
Peter Danziger

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7EEPeter Danziger, Eric Mendelsohn, Lucia Moura, Brett Stevens: Covering Arrays Avoiding Forbidden Edges. COCOA 2008: 296-308
6EEPeter Danziger, Peter Dukes, Terry Griggs, Eric Mendelsohn: On the Intersection Problem for Steiner Triple Systems of Different Orders. Graphs and Combinatorics 22(3): 311-329 (2006)
5EEPeter Danziger, Eric Mendelsohn, Gaetano Quattrocchi: On the chromatic index of path decompositions. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 107-121 (2004)
4EEPeter Danziger, Brett Stevens: Class-Uniformly Resolvable Group Divisible Structures I: Resolvable Group Divisible Designs. Electr. J. Comb. 11(1): (2004)
3EEPeter Danziger, Brett Stevens: Class-Uniformly Resolvable Group Divisible Structures II: Frames. Electr. J. Comb. 11(1): (2004)
2EEPeter Danziger, Eric Mendelsohn: Bicolour graphs of Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics 261(1-3): 157-176 (2003)
1 Peter Danziger: Uniform Restricted Resolvable Designs with r = 3. Ars Comb. 46: (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Dukes [6]
2Terry Griggs [6]
3Eric Mendelsohn [2] [5] [6] [7]
4Lucia Moura [7]
5Gaetano Quattrocchi [5]
6Brett Stevens [3] [4] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)