
Giovanni Lo Faro

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18EEGiovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: The spectrum of I and I with any lambda. Discrete Mathematics 309(2): 354-362 (2009)
17EEYanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: Tight blocking sets in some maximum packings of lambdaKn. Discrete Mathematics 308(2-3): 427-438 (2008)
16EEYanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: Determining the spectrum of Meta(K4+e>K4, lambda) for any lambda. Discrete Mathematics 308(2-3): 439-456 (2008)
15EETerry Griggs, Giovanni Lo Faro, Gaetano Quattrocchi: On some colouring of 4-cycle systems with specified block colour patterns. Discrete Mathematics 308(2-3): 465-478 (2008)
14EEYanxun Chang, Tao Feng, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: Two types of switchable lambda-fold (K4-e)-designs. Discrete Mathematics 308(24): 6606-6625 (2008)
13EEGiovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: The Doyen-Wilson theorem for kite systems. Discrete Mathematics 306(21): 2695-2701 (2006)
12EEGiovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: Strict colourings of STS(3v)s and uncolourable BSTS(3v)s. Discrete Mathematics 301(1): 117-123 (2005)
11EEGiovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: Triplication for BSTSs and uncolourability. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 197-203 (2004)
10EEYanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro: The existence of directed BIBDs. Discrete Mathematics 272(2-3): 155-169 (2003)
9 Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi: The intersection problem for twin bowtie and near bowtie systems. Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
8EEGiovanni Lo Faro, Lorenzo Milazzo, Antoinette Tripodi: On the Upper and Lower Chromatic Numbers of BSQSs(16). Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
7EEYanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro: Existence of DBIBDs with block size not divided by four. Discrete Mathematics 222(1-3): 27-40 (2000)
6EEMario De Salvo, Giovanni Lo Faro: On the n*-complete hypergroups. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 177-188 (1999)
5EEYanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro: Intersection Numbers of Kirkman Triple Systems. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 86(2): 348-361 (1999)
4EEGiovanni Lo Faro: Constructing 3-chromatic Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 187-190 (1997)
3EEMario Gionfriddo, Giovanni Lo Faro: 2-Colourings in S(t, t + 1, v). Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 263-268 (1993)
2EEGiovanni Lo Faro: Steiner quadruple systems having a prescribed number of quadruples in common. Discrete Mathematics 58(2): 167-174 (1986)
1EEGiovanni Lo Faro: On the size of partial parallel classes in Steiner systems STS(19) and STS(27). Discrete Mathematics 45(2-3): 307-312 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Yanxun Chang [5] [7] [10] [14] [16] [17]
2Tao Feng [14]
3Mario Gionfriddo [3]
4Terry Griggs [15]
5Lorenzo Milazzo [8]
6Gaetano Quattrocchi [15]
7Mario De Salvo [6]
8Antoinette Tripodi [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)