
Philip Powell

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39EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 19(1): 1-2 (2009)
38EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 19(2): 119-121 (2009)
37EEDavid E. Avison, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: The beginnings of a new era: time to reflect on 17 years of the ISJ. Inf. Syst. J. 18(1): 5-21 (2008)
36EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 18(5): 445-446 (2008)
35EEMartin Beckinsale, Margi Levy, Philip Powell: Exploring Internet Adoption Drivers in SMEs. Electronic Markets 16(4): 361-370 (2006)
34EEJulian M. Sims, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen: E-Learning and the Digital Divide: Perpetuating Cultural and Socio-Economic Elitism in Higher Education. ECIS 2005
33EEStephen Duhan, Margi Levy, Philip Powell: IS Strategy in SMEs Using Organizational Capabilities: The CPX Framework. ECIS 2005
32EEMaria Woerndl, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen: Netsourcing in SMEs: E-ticketing in Art Venues. Electronic Markets 15(2): 119-127 (2005)
31EEJulian M. Sims, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen: E-learning: planned and emergent strategies. ECIS 2004
30EEMickey Howard, Richard T. Vidgen, Philip Powell: Exploring industry dynamics in e-procurement: sense making by collaborative investigation. ECIS 2004
29EEMickey Howard, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen: Inter-organizational collaboration and value creation in the automotive industry. ECIS 2004
28EEMartin Hughes, Philip Powell, Niki Panteli, William Golden: Risk Mitigation and Risk Absorption in IOS: A Proposed Investigative Study. ECIS 2004
27EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell, Les Worrall: Strategic intent and e-business in SMEs: enablers and inhibitors. ECIS 2004
26EEJohn Powell, Philip Powell: Scenario networks to align and specify strategic information systems: A case-based study. European Journal of Operational Research 158(1): 146-172 (2004)
25EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 14(1): 1-2 (2004)
24EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell, Philip Yetton: IS alignment in small firms: new paths through the maze. ECIS 2003
23EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell: Exploring SME Internet Adoption: Towards a Contingent Model. Electronic Markets 13(2): (2003)
22EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 13(3): 207-208 (2003)
21EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 13(4): 299-300 (2003)
20EEMickey Howard, Richard T. Vidgen, Philip Powell, Andrew Graves: Are Hubs The Centre Of Things? E-procurement In The Automotive Industry. ECIS 2002
19EEPat Finnegan, Robert D. Galliers, Philip Powell: Planning Electronic Trading Systems : Re-thinking IS Practices Via Triple Loop Learning. ECIS 2002
18EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell: SME Transformation : Modelling Progressions. ECIS 2002
17EEStewart Robertson, Philip Powell: Managing the IS function During Mergers. ECIS 2001
16EEPat Finnegan, Robert D. Galliers, Philip Powell: Operationalising Guidelines for Inter-Organisational Systems Planning: Exploring a Learning Model. ECIS 2001
15EEMickey Howard, Richard T. Vidgen, Philip Powell, Andrew Graves: Planning for IS Related Industry Transformation: The Case of the 3daycar. ECIS 2001
14EEMargi Levy, Claudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell: SMEs Co-opetition and Knowledge Sharing: The IS Role. ECIS 2001
13EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Reflections on information systems practice, education and research: 10 years of the Information Systems Journal. Inf. Syst. J. 11(1): 3-22 (2001)
12EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 11(2): 85-86 (2001)
11EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 11(3): 179-180 (2001)
10EEDavid E. Avison, Guy Fitzgerald, Philip Powell: Editorial. Inf. Syst. J. 11(4): 271-270 (2001)
9EEClaudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell: Towards an Entertaining Business Model: A Teaching Case. ECIS 2000
8EEStewart Robertson, Philip Powell: Exploiting the Benefits of Y2K Preparation. Commun. ACM 42(9): 42-48 (1999)
7EEClaudia Löbbecke, Paul C. van Fenema, Philip Powell: Co-Opetition and Knowledge Transfer. DATA BASE 30(2): 14-25 (1999)
6EELouis C. K. Ma, Janice M. Burn, Robert D. Galliers, Philip Powell: Successful Management of Information Technology: A Strategic Alignment Perspective. HICSS (6) 1998: 13-14
5EEClaudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell: Buy the book: electronic commerce in the book trade. ICIS 1998: 381-383
4EEPat Finnegan, Robert D. Galliers, Philip Powell: System Planning in an Electronic Commerce Environment in Europe: Rethinking Current Approaches. Electronic Markets 8(2): (1998)
3EELih-Jen Chang, Philip Powell: Towards a framework for business process re-engineering in small and medium-sized enterprises. Inf. Syst. J. 8(3): 199-216 (1998)
2EEClaudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell: Understanding internet advertising. ICIS 1997: 452
1 Philip Powell: Information Technology and Business Strategy: A Synthesis of the Case for Reverse Causality. ICIS 1992: 71-80

Coauthor Index

1David E. Avison [10] [11] [12] [13] [21] [22] [25] [36] [37] [38] [39]
2Martin Beckinsale [35]
3Janice M. Burn [6]
4Lih-Jen Chang [3]
5Stephen Duhan [33]
6Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi [37]
7Paul C. van Fenema [7]
8Patrick Finnegan (Pat Finnegan) [4] [16] [19]
9Guy Fitzgerald [10] [11] [12] [13] [21] [22] [25] [36] [37] [38] [39]
10Robert D. Galliers [4] [6] [16] [19]
11William Golden [28]
12Andrew Graves [15] [20]
13Mickey Howard [15] [20] [29] [30]
14Martin Hughes [28]
15Margi Levy [14] [18] [23] [24] [27] [33] [35]
16Claudia Löbbecke (Claudia Loebbecke) [2] [5] [7] [9] [14]
17Louis C. K. Ma [6]
18Niki Panteli [28]
19John Powell [26]
20Stewart Robertson [8] [17]
21Julian M. Sims [31] [34]
22Richard T. Vidgen [15] [20] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34]
23Maria Woerndl [32]
24Les Worrall [27]
25Philip Yetton [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)