
Margi Levy

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9EEStephen Corea, Margi Levy: Quality of IT support for corporate environmental management: A paradigmatic framework. ICDIM 2007: 424-429
8EEMartin Beckinsale, Margi Levy, Philip Powell: Exploring Internet Adoption Drivers in SMEs. Electronic Markets 16(4): 361-370 (2006)
7EEStephen Duhan, Margi Levy, Philip Powell: IS Strategy in SMEs Using Organizational Capabilities: The CPX Framework. ECIS 2005
6EEMartin Beckinsale, Margi Levy: SMEs and internet adoption strategy: who do SMEs listen to? ECIS 2004
5EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell, Les Worrall: Strategic intent and e-business in SMEs: enablers and inhibitors. ECIS 2004
4EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell, Philip Yetton: IS alignment in small firms: new paths through the maze. ECIS 2003
3EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell: Exploring SME Internet Adoption: Towards a Contingent Model. Electronic Markets 13(2): (2003)
2EEMargi Levy, Philip Powell: SME Transformation : Modelling Progressions. ECIS 2002
1EEMargi Levy, Claudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell: SMEs Co-opetition and Knowledge Sharing: The IS Role. ECIS 2001

Coauthor Index

1Martin Beckinsale [6] [8]
2Stephen Corea [9]
3Stephen Duhan [7]
4Claudia Löbbecke (Claudia Loebbecke) [1]
5Philip Powell [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
6Les Worrall [5]
7Philip Yetton [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)