
Jeff Rowe

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11EESenthilkumar G. Cheetancheri, John Mark Agosta, Karl N. Levitt, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Jeff Rowe: Optimal Cost, Collaborative, and Distributed Response to Zero-Day Worms - A Control Theoretic Approach. RAID 2008: 231-250
10EELynette Qu Nguyen, Tufan Demir, Jeff Rowe, Francis Hsu, Karl N. Levitt: A framework for diversifying windows native APIs to tolerate code injection attacks. ASIACCS 2007: 392-394
9 Daniel F. Sterne, Poornima Balasubramanyam, David Carman, Brett Wilson, Rajesh Talpade, Calvin Ko, Ravindra Balupari, Chin-Yang Tseng, Thomas F. Bowen, Karl N. Levitt, Jeff Rowe: A General Cooperative Intrusion Detection Architecture for MANETs. IWIA 2005: 57-70
8EEPhillip A. Porras, Linda Briesemeister, Keith Skinner, Karl N. Levitt, Jeff Rowe, Yu-Cheng Allen Ting: A hybrid quarantine defense. WORM 2004: 73-82
7EED. Nojiri, Jeff Rowe, Karl N. Levitt: Cooperative Response Strategies for Large Scale Attack Mitigation. DISCEX (1) 2003: 293-302
6EEIvan Balepin, Sergei Maltsev, Jeff Rowe, Karl N. Levitt: Using Specification-Based Intrusion Detection for Automated Response. RAID 2003: 136-154
5EEChin-Yang Tseng, Poornima Balasubramanyam, Calvin Ko, Rattapon Limprasittiporn, Jeff Rowe, Karl N. Levitt: A specification-based intrusion detection system for AODV. SASN 2003: 125-134
4EEDustin Lee, Jeff Rowe, Calvin Ko, Karl N. Levitt: Detecting and Defending against Web-Server Fingerprinting. ACSAC 2002: 321-332
3EEJames E. Just, James C. Reynolds, Larry A. Clough, Melissa Danforth, Karl N. Levitt, Ryan Maglich, Jeff Rowe: Learning Unknown Attacks - A Start. RAID 2002: 158-176
2EECalvin Ko, Paul Brutch, Jeff Rowe, Guy Tsafnat, Karl N. Levitt: System Health and Intrusion Monitoring Using a Hierarchy of Constraints. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection 2001: 190-204
1EEJeff Rowe: Intrusion Detection and Isolation Protocol: Automated Response to Attacks. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection 1999

Coauthor Index

1John Mark Agosta [11]
2Poornima Balasubramanyam [5] [9]
3Ivan Balepin [6]
4Ravindra Balupari [9]
5Thomas F. Bowen [9]
6Linda Briesemeister [8]
7Paul Brutch [2]
8David Carman [9]
9Senthilkumar G. Cheetancheri [11]
10Larry A. Clough [3]
11Melissa Danforth [3]
12Tufan Demir [10]
13Francis Hsu [10]
14James E. Just [3]
15Calvin Ko [2] [4] [5] [9]
16Dustin Lee [4]
17Karl N. Levitt [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
18Rattapon Limprasittiporn [5]
19Ryan Maglich [3]
20Sergei Maltsev [6]
21Lynette Qu Nguyen [10]
22D. Nojiri [7]
23Phillip A. Porras [8]
24James C. Reynolds [3]
25Keith Skinner [8]
26Daniel F. Sterne [9]
27Rajesh Talpade [9]
28Yu-Cheng Allen Ting [8]
29Guy Tsafnat [2]
30Chin-Yang Tseng [5] [9]
31Brett Wilson [9]
32Shyhtsun Felix Wu [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)