
Vitaly Shmatikov

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47EEArvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov: De-anonymizing Social Networks CoRR abs/0903.3276: (2009)
46 Vitaly Shmatikov: Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering, FMSE 2008, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 27, 2008 ACM 2008
45EEArvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov: Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008: 111-125
44EESomesh Jha, Louis Kruger, Vitaly Shmatikov: Towards Practical Privacy for Genomic Computation. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008: 216-230
43EEJustin Brickell, Vitaly Shmatikov: The cost of privacy: destruction of data-mining utility in anonymized data publishing. KDD 2008: 70-78
42EEJustin Brickell, Donald E. Porter, Vitaly Shmatikov, Emmett Witchel: Privacy-preserving remote diagnostics. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007: 498-507
41EEVitaly Shmatikov, Ming-Hsiu Wang: Secure Verification of Location Claims with Simultaneous Distance Modification. ASIAN 2007: 181-195
40EEPrateek Gupta, Vitaly Shmatikov: Security Analysis of Voice-over-IP Protocols. CSF 2007: 49-63
39EEStanislaw Jarecki, Vitaly Shmatikov: Efficient Two-Party Secure Computation on Committed Inputs. EUROCRYPT 2007: 97-114
38EEAjay Mahimkar, Jasraj Dange, Vitaly Shmatikov, Harrick M. Vin, Yin Zhang: dFence: Transparent Network-based Denial of Service Mitigation. NSDI 2007
37EEEdmund L. Wong, Praveen Balasubramanian, Lorenzo Alvisi, Mohamed G. Gouda, Vitaly Shmatikov: Truth in advertising: lightweight verification of route integrity. PODC 2007: 147-156
36EEVitaly Shmatikov, Ming-Hsiu Wang: Timing Analysis in Low-Latency Mix Networks: Attacks and Defenses. ESORICS 2006: 18-33
35EEJustin Brickell, Vitaly Shmatikov: Efficient anonymity-preserving data collection. KDD 2006: 76-85
34EEPhillip A. Porras, Vitaly Shmatikov: Large-scale collection and sanitization of network security data: risks and challenges. NSPW 2006: 57-64
33EEVitaly Shmatikov, Ming-Hsiu Wang: Measuring relationship anonymity in mix networks. WPES 2006: 59-62
32EEArvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov: How To Break Anonymity of the Netflix Prize Dataset CoRR abs/cs/0610105: (2006)
31EEGethin Norman, Vitaly Shmatikov: Analysis of probabilistic contract signing. Journal of Computer Security 14(6): 561-589 (2006)
30EEArvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov: Obfuscated databases and group privacy. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2005: 102-111
29EEArvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov: Fast dictionary attacks on passwords using time-space tradeoff. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2005: 364-372
28EEJustin Brickell, Vitaly Shmatikov: Privacy-Preserving Graph Algorithms in the Semi-honest Model. ASIACRYPT 2005: 236-252
27EEAjay Mahimkar, Vitaly Shmatikov: Game-Based Analysis of Denial-of-Service Prevention Protocols. CSFW 2005: 287-301
26EEPrateek Gupta, Vitaly Shmatikov: Towards computationally sound symbolic analysis of key exchange protocols. FMSE 2005: 23-32
25EEStanislaw Jarecki, Vitaly Shmatikov: Probabilistic Escrow of Financial Transactions with Cumulative Threshold Disclosure. Financial Cryptography 2005: 172-187
24EEAnupam Datta, Ante Derek, John C. Mitchell, Vitaly Shmatikov, Mathieu Turuani: Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Semantics for a Protocol Security Logic. ICALP 2005: 16-29
23EERohit Chadha, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov, Vitaly Shmatikov: Contract signing, optimism, and advantage. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 64(2): 189-218 (2005)
22 Vitaly Shmatikov, Carolyn L. Talcott: Reputation-based trust management. Journal of Computer Security 13(1): 167-190 (2005)
21EEJonathan K. Millen, Vitaly Shmatikov: Symbolic protocol analysis with an Abelian group operator or Diffie-Hellman exponentiation. Journal of Computer Security 13(3): 515-564 (2005)
20EEJonathan K. Millen, Vitaly Shmatikov: Symbolic protocol analysis with an Abelian group operator or Diffie-Hellman exponentiation. Journal of Computer Security 13(4): 695- (2005)
19EEVitaly Shmatikov: Decidable Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols with Products and Modular Exponentiation. ESOP 2004: 355-369
18EEStanislaw Jarecki, Vitaly Shmatikov: Handcuffing Big Brother: an Abuse-Resilient Transaction Escrow Scheme. EUROCRYPT 2004: 590-608
17EERoger Dingledine, Vitaly Shmatikov, Paul F. Syverson: Synchronous Batching: From Cascades to Free Routes. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2004: 186-206
16EEPatrick Lincoln, Phillip A. Porras, Vitaly Shmatikov: Privacy-Preserving Sharing and Correlation of Security Alerts. USENIX Security Symposium 2004: 239-254
15 Dominic Hughes, Vitaly Shmatikov: Information Hiding, Anonymity and Privacy: a Modular Approach. Journal of Computer Security 12(1): 3-36 (2004)
14 Vitaly Shmatikov: Probabilistic analysis of an anonymity system. Journal of Computer Security 12(3-4): 355-377 (2004)
13EERohit Chadha, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov, Vitaly Shmatikov: Contract Signing, Optimism, and Advantage. CONCUR 2003: 361-377
12EEJonathan K. Millen, Vitaly Shmatikov: Symbolic Protocol Analysis with Products and Diffie-Hellman Exponentiation. CSFW 2003: 47-61
11EEHubert Comon-Lundh, Vitaly Shmatikov: Intruder Deductions, Constraint Solving and Insecurity Decision in Presence of Exclusive or. LICS 2003: 271-
10EEVitaly Shmatikov: Probabilistic Analysis of Anonymity. CSFW 2002: 119-128
9EEGethin Norman, Vitaly Shmatikov: Analysis of Probabilistic Contract Signing. FASec 2002: 81-96
8EEStanislaw Jarecki, Patrick Lincoln, Vitaly Shmatikov: Negotiated Privacy: (Extended Abstract). ISSS 2002: 96-111
7EEVitaly Shmatikov, John C. Mitchell: Finite-state analysis of two contract signing protocols. Theor. Comput. Sci. 283(2): 419-450 (2002)
6EEJonathan K. Millen, Vitaly Shmatikov: Constraint solving for bounded-process cryptographic protocol analysis. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2001: 166-175
5EEVitaly Shmatikov, John C. Mitchell: Analysis of Abuse-Free Contract Signing. Financial Cryptography 2000: 174-191
4EEVitaly Shmatikov, John C. Mitchell: Analysis of a Fair Exchange Protocol. NDSS 2000
3EEViviana Bono, Amit Patel, Vitaly Shmatikov: A Core Calculus of Classes and Mixins. ECOOP 1999: 43-66
2EEViviana Bono, John C. Mitchell, Amit Patel, Vitaly Shmatikov: A Core Calculus of Classes and Objects. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 20: (1999)
1EEVitaly Shmatikov, Ulrich Stern: Efficient Finite-State Analysis for Large Security Protocols. CSFW 1998: 106-115

Coauthor Index

1Lorenzo Alvisi [37]
2Praveen Balasubramanian [37]
3Viviana Bono [2] [3]
4Justin Brickell [28] [35] [42] [43]
5Rohit Chadha [13] [23]
6Hubert Comon-Lundh (Hubert Comon) [11]
7Jasraj Dange [38]
8Anupam Datta [24]
9Ante Derek [24]
10Roger Dingledine [17]
11Mohamed G. Gouda [37]
12Prateek Gupta [26] [40]
13Dominic Hughes [15]
14Stanislaw Jarecki [8] [18] [25] [39]
15Somesh Jha [44]
16Louis Kruger [44]
17Patrick Lincoln [8] [16]
18Ajay Mahimkar [27] [38]
19Jonathan K. Millen [6] [12] [20] [21]
20John C. Mitchell [2] [4] [5] [7] [13] [23] [24]
21Arvind Narayanan [29] [30] [32] [45] [47]
22Gethin Norman [9] [31]
23Amit Patel [2] [3]
24Phillip A. Porras [16] [34]
25Donald E. Porter [42]
26Andre Scedrov [13] [23]
27Ulrich Stern [1]
28Paul F. Syverson [17]
29Carolyn L. Talcott [22]
30Mathieu Turuani [24]
31Harrick M. Vin [38]
32Ming-Hsiu Wang [33] [36] [41]
33Emmett Witchel [42]
34Edmund L. Wong [37]
35Yin Zhang [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)