
Wolfgang Porod

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13EEWolfgang Porod: Computing with field-coupled nanomagnets. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 375-376
12EEMichael T. Niemier, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Aaron Dingler, M. Tanvir Alam, Gary H. Bernstein, Wolfgang Porod: Bridging the gap between nanomagnetic devices and circuits. ICCD 2008: 506-513
11EEMichael T. Niemier, M. Alam, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Gary H. Bernstein, Wolfgang Porod, M. Putney, J. DeAngelis: Clocking structures and power analysis for nanomagnet-based logic devices. ISLPED 2007: 26-31
10EEPratyush Das Kanungo, Alexandra Imre, Wu Bin, Alexei O. Orlov, Gregory L. Snider, Wolfgang Porod, Nicholas P. Carter: Gated hybrid Hall effect device on silicon. Microelectronics Journal 36(3-6): 294-297 (2005)
9EEGary H. Bernstein, Alexandra Imre, V. Metlushko, Alexei O. Orlov, L. Zhou, L. Ji, György Csaba, Wolfgang Porod: Magnetic QCA systems. Microelectronics Journal 36(7): 619-624 (2005)
8EEGyörgy Cserey, Wolfgang Porod, Tamás Roska: An Artificial Immune System Based Visual Analysis Model and Its Real-Time Terrain Surveillance Application. ICARIS 2004: 250-262
7EEGyörgy Cserey, András Falus, Wolfgang Porod, Tamás Roska: An artificial immune system for visual applications with CNN-UM. ISCAS (3) 2004: 17-20
6EEWolfgang Porod, György Csaba, Árpád Csurgay: The Role of Field Coupling in Nano-Scale Cellular Nonlinear Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 13(6): 387-395 (2003)
5EEÁrpád Csurgay, Craig S. Lent, Wolfgang Porod: Why is Time-Varying Control Necessary for Signal Processing with Locally-Connected Quantum-Dot Arrays? Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 122-
4EEXiaohui Wang, Wolfgang Porod: A Low Power Charge-Recycling CMOS Clock Buffer. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 238-239
3EEAnthony N. Michel, J. A. Farrell, Wolfgang Porod: Stability Results for Neural Networks. NIPS 1987: 554-563
2EEWolfgang Porod, David K. Ferry: Pattern recognition in highly-integrated circuits. Pattern Recognition 18(2): 179-189 (1985)
1 Wolfgang Porod, David K. Ferry: Pattern recognition in highly-integrated circuits. Pattern Recognition 17(6): 677 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1M. Alam [11]
2M. Tanvir Alam [12]
3Gary H. Bernstein [9] [11] [12]
4Wu Bin [10]
5Nicholas P. Carter [10]
6György Csaba [6] [9]
7György Cserey [7] [8]
8Árpád Csurgay [5] [6]
9J. DeAngelis [11]
10Aaron Dingler [12]
11András Falus [7]
12J. A. Farrell [3]
13David K. Ferry [1] [2]
14Xiaobo Sharon Hu (Xiaobo Hu) [11] [12]
15Alexandra Imre [9] [10]
16L. Ji [9]
17Pratyush Das Kanungo [10]
18Craig S. Lent [5]
19V. Metlushko [9]
20Anthony N. Michel [3]
21Michael T. Niemier [11] [12]
22Alexei O. Orlov [9] [10]
23M. Putney [11]
24Tamás Roska [7] [8]
25Gregory L. Snider [10]
26Xiaohui Wang [4]
27L. Zhou [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)