
Carl Vogel

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12EECarl Vogel, Jerom F. Janssen: Emoticonsciousness. COST 2102 School (Vietri) 2008: 271-287
11EECarl Vogel, Gerard Lynch: Computational Stylometry: Who's in a Play?. COST 2102 Workshop (Patras) 2007: 169-186
10 Daniel Krugman, Carl Vogel: Non-Local Contexts Help Resolve Ambiguity. IC-AI 2006: 738-747
9EEJennifer Foster, Carl Vogel: Parsing Ill-Formed Text Using an Error Grammar. Artif. Intell. Rev. 21(3-4): 269-291 (2004)
8 Maria Buckley, Carl Vogel: Improving Internet Research Methods: A Web Laboratory. ICWI 2003: 467-476
7EECormac O'Brien, Carl Vogel: Spam filters: bayes vs. chi-squared; letters vs. words. ISICT 2003: 291-296
6EESofie Van Gijsel, Carl Vogel: Inducing a cline from corpora of political manifestos. ISICT 2003: 297-303
5 Carl Vogel, Fred Popowich: A Parametric Definition for a Family of Inheritance Reasoners. New Generation Comput. 15(3): 247-292 (1997)
4EECarl Vogel, Ulrike Hahn, Holly Branigan: Cross-Serial Dependencies Are Not Hard to Process. COLING 1996: 157-162
3 Carl Vogel: Human Reasoning with Negative Defaults. FAPR 1996: 606-621
2 Carl Vogel, Judith Tonhauser: Psychological Constraints on Plausible Default Inheritance Reasoning. KR 1996: 608-619
1 Fred Popowich, Carl Vogel: A Logic-Based Implementation of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1991: 227-245

Coauthor Index

1Holly Branigan [4]
2Maria Buckley [8]
3Jennifer Foster [9]
4Sofie Van Gijsel [6]
5Ulrike Hahn [4]
6Jerom F. Janssen [12]
7Daniel Krugman [10]
8Gerard Lynch [11]
9Cormac O'Brien [7]
10Fred Popowich [1] [5]
11Judith Tonhauser [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)