
Gary Hall

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7EEJohn J. McKeown, Fabio Stella, Gary Hall: Some numerical aspects of the training problem for feed-forward neural nets. Neural Networks 10(8): 1455-1463 (1997)
6 Gary Hall, Fred Popowich, Dan Fass: Natural Language Edit Controls: Constrained Natural Language Devices in User Interfaces. ICTAI 1996: 475-477
5EEFred Popowich, Paul McFetridge, Dan Fass, Gary Hall: Processing Complex Noun Phrases In A Natural Language Interface To A Statistical Database. COLING 1992: 46-52
4 Ranabir Gupta, Gary Hall: A Grammar-Based Framework for Object Dynamics. DEXA 1992: 427-438
3EERanabir Gupta, Gary Hall: An Abstraction Mechanism for Modeling Generation. ICDE 1992: 650-658
2 Ranabir Gupta, Gary Hall: Modeling Generation. FMLDO 1991: 65-76
1EEGary Hall, Ranabir Gupta: Modeling Transition. ICDE 1991: 540-549

Coauthor Index

1Dan Fass [5] [6]
2Ranabir Gupta [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Paul McFetridge [5]
4John J. McKeown [7]
5Fred Popowich [5] [6]
6Fabio Stella [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)