
Peter J. Mucha

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8EEMason A. Porter, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Peter J. Mucha: Communities in Networks CoRR abs/0902.3788: (2009)
7EEChristel Hohenegger, Peter J. Mucha: Statistical Reconstruction of Velocity Profiles for Nanoparticle Image Velocimetry. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 68(1): 239-252 (2007)
6EEChristopher Wojtan, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk: Keyframe control of complex particle systems using the adjoint method. Symposium on Computer Animation 2006: 15-23
5EEMason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, M. E. J. Newman, A. J. Friend: Community Structure in the United States House of Representatives CoRR abs/physics/0602033: (2006)
4EEHuamin Wang, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk: Water drops on surfaces. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 921-929 (2005)
3EEMason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, M. E. J. Newman, Casey M. Warmbrand: A network analysis of committees in the United States House of Representatives CoRR abs/nlin/0505043: (2005)
2EEMark Carlson, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk: Rigid fluid: animating the interplay between rigid bodies and fluid. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 377-384 (2004)
1 Marc Niethammer, Eric Pichon, Allen Tannenbaum, Peter J. Mucha: A stokes flow boundary integral measurement of tubular structure cross sections in two dimensions. ICIP (1) 2003: 825-828

Coauthor Index

1Mark Carlson [2]
2A. J. Friend [5]
3Christel Hohenegger [7]
4M. E. J. Newman [3] [5]
5Marc Niethammer [1]
6Jukka-Pekka Onnela [8]
7Eric Pichon [1]
8Mason A. Porter [3] [5] [8]
9Allen Tannenbaum [1]
10Greg Turk [2] [4] [6]
11Huamin Wang [4]
12Casey M. Warmbrand [3]
13Christopher Wojtan [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)