
T. Nathan Mundhenk

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4EET. Nathan Mundhenk, Laurent Itti: Computational modeling and exploration of contour integration for visual saliency. Biological Cybernetics 93(3): 188-212 (2005)
3EET. Nathan Mundhenk, Laurent Itti: CINNIC, a new computational algorithm for the modeling of early visual contour integration in humans. Neurocomputing 52-54: 599-604 (2003)
2EEDaesu Chung, Reid Hirata, T. Nathan Mundhenk, Jen Ng, Robert J. Peters, Eric Pichon, April Tsui, Tong Ventrice, Dirk Walther, Philip Williams, Laurent Itti: A New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 558-566
1EET. Nathan Mundhenk, Laurent Itti: A Model of Contour Integration in Early Visual Cortex. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 80-89

Coauthor Index

1Daesu Chung [2]
2Reid Hirata [2]
3Laurent Itti [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Jen Ng [2]
5Robert J. Peters [2]
6Eric Pichon [2]
7April Tsui [2]
8Tong Ventrice [2]
9Dirk Walther [2]
10Philip Williams [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)