
Tuan Pham

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5EETuan Pham, Xiaobo Zhou: Special issue on pattern recognition in computational life sciences. Pattern Recognition 42(4): 497 (2009)
4EEDong Nguyen, Tuan Tran, Tuan Pham, Viet Le: Internet Media Streaming Using Network Coding and Path Diversity. GLOBECOM 2008: 1714-1718
3EEDat Tran, Tuan Pham, Xiaobo Zhou: Subspace Vector Quantization and Markov Modeling for Cell Phase Classification. ICIAR 2008: 844-853
2EETuan Pham, Xiaobo Zhou: Special Issue on Computational Models for Life Sciences. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 5(4): 167-168 (2008)
1EEMinh Quach, Tuan Pham, Tim Figal, Bob Kopitzke, Pete O'Neill: Wafer-Level Defect-Based Testing Using Enhanced Voltage Stress and Statistical Test Data Evaluation. ITC 2002: 683-692

Coauthor Index

1Tim Figal [1]
2Bob Kopitzke [1]
3Viet Le [4]
4Dong Nguyen [4]
5Pete O'Neill [1]
6Minh Quach [1]
7Dat Tran [3]
8Tuan Tran [4]
9Xiaobo Zhou [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)