
Joel C. Perry

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2EEEletha Flores, Gabriel Tobon, Ettore Cavallaro, Francesca I. Cavallaro, Joel C. Perry, Thierry Keller: Improving patient motivation in game development for motor deficit rehabilitation. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 381-384
1 Ettore Cavallaro, Jacob Rosen, Joel C. Perry, Stephan Burns, Blake Hannaford: Hill-Based Model as a Myoprocessor for a Neural Controlled Powered Exoskeleton Arm - Parameters Optimization. ICRA 2005: 4514-4519

Coauthor Index

1Stephan Burns [1]
2Ettore Cavallaro [1] [2]
3Francesca I. Cavallaro [2]
4Eletha Flores [2]
5Blake Hannaford [1]
6Thierry Keller [2]
7Jacob Rosen [1]
8Gabriel Tobon [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)