
Christopher A. Pennington

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9EEKeith Trnka, Debra Yarrington, John McCaw, Kathleen F. McCoy, Christopher A. Pennington: The Effects of Word Prediction on Communication Rate for AAC. HLT-NAACL (Short Papers) 2007: 173-176
8EEKeith Trnka, Debra Yarrington, Kathleen F. McCoy, Christopher A. Pennington: Topic modeling in fringe word prediction for AAC. IUI 2006: 276-278
7EEDebra Yarrington, Christopher A. Pennington, John Gray, H. Timothy Bunnell: A system for creating personalized synthetic voices. ASSETS 2005: 196-197
6EELisa N. Michaud, Kathleen F. McCoy, Christopher A. Pennington: An intelligent tutoring system for deaf learners of written English. ASSETS 2000: 92-100
5EEPeter B. Vanderheyden, Christopher A. Pennington: An Augmentative Communication Interface Based on Conversational Schemata. Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence 1998: 109-125
4EEChristopher A. Pennington, Kathleen F. McCoy: Providing Intelligent Language Feedback for Augmentative Communication Users. Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence 1998: 59-72
3EEKathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Christopher A. Pennington, Arlene Luberoff Badman: Some Interface Issues in Developing Intelligent Communication Aids for People with Disabilities. IUI 1997: 163-170
2EEKathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Mark Alan Jones, Christopher A. Pennington, Peter B. Vanderheyden, Wendy M. Zickus: A communication tool for people with disabilities: lexical semantics for filling in the pieces. ASSETS 1994: 107-114
1EEKathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Mark Alan Jones, Christopher A. Pennington, Charles Rowe: Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques to Augmentative Communication Systems. COLING 1990: 413-415

Coauthor Index

1Arlene Luberoff Badman [3]
2H. Timothy Bunnell [7]
3Patrick W. Demasco [1] [2] [3]
4John Gray [7]
5Mark Alan Jones [1] [2]
6John McCaw [9]
7Kathleen F. McCoy [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9]
8Lisa N. Michaud [6]
9Charles Rowe [1]
10Keith Trnka [8] [9]
11Peter B. Vanderheyden [2] [5]
12Debra Yarrington [7] [8] [9]
13Wendy M. Zickus [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)