
Mark Alan Jones

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4EEKathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Mark Alan Jones, Christopher A. Pennington, Peter B. Vanderheyden, Wendy M. Zickus: A communication tool for people with disabilities: lexical semantics for filling in the pieces. ASSETS 1994: 107-114
3 Mark Alan Jones: Generating a Specific Class of Metaphors. ACL 1992: 321-323
2 Mark Alan Jones, Kathleen F. McCoy: Transparently-Motivated Metaphor Generation. NLG 1992: 231-246
1EEKathleen F. McCoy, Patrick W. Demasco, Mark Alan Jones, Christopher A. Pennington, Charles Rowe: Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques to Augmentative Communication Systems. COLING 1990: 413-415

Coauthor Index

1Patrick W. Demasco [1] [4]
2Kathleen F. McCoy [1] [2] [4]
3Christopher A. Pennington [1] [4]
4Charles Rowe [1]
5Peter B. Vanderheyden [4]
6Wendy M. Zickus [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)