
Kevin T. Pedretti

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11EERon Brightwell, Kevin T. Pedretti, Trammell Hudson: SMARTMAP: operating system support for efficient data sharing among processes on a multi-core processor. SC 2008: 25
10EERon Brightwell, Kevin T. Pedretti, Keith D. Underwood, Trammell Hudson: SeaStar Interconnect: Balanced Bandwidth for Scalable Performance. IEEE Micro 26(3): 41-57 (2006)
9EERon Brightwell, Trammell Hudson, Kevin T. Pedretti, Rolf Riesen, Keith D. Underwood: Implementation and Performance of Portals 3.3 on the Cray XT3. CLUSTER 2005: 1-10
8EERon Brightwell, Kevin T. Pedretti, Keith D. Underwood: Initial Performance Evaluation of the Cray SeaStar Interconnect. Hot Interconnects 2005: 51-57
7EETodd E. Scheetz, Nishank Trivedi, Kevin T. Pedretti, Terry A. Braun, Thomas L. Casavant: Gene transcript clustering: a comparison of parallel approaches. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 731-735 (2005)
6EENishank Trivedi, Kevin T. Pedretti, Terry A. Braun, Todd E. Scheetz, Thomas L. Casavant: Alternative Parallelization Strategies in EST Clustering. PaCT 2003: 384-393
5EEKevin T. Pedretti, Ron Brightwell, Joshua Williams: Cplant? Runtime System Support for Multi-Processor and Heterogeneous Compute Nodes. CLUSTER 2002: 207-214
4EENishank Trivedi, Jared Bischof, Steve Davis, Kevin T. Pedretti, Todd E. Scheetz, Terry A. Braun, Chad A. Roberts, Natalie L. Robinson, Val C. Sheffield, Marcelo Bento Soares, Thomas L. Casavant: Parallel creation of non-redundant gene indices from partial mRNA transcripts. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(6): 863-870 (2002)
3EEKevin T. Pedretti, Todd E. Scheetz, Terry A. Braun, Chad A. Roberts, Natalie L. Robinson, Thomas L. Casavant: A Parallel Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Clustering Program. PaCT 2001: 490-497
2EER. C. Braun, Kevin T. Pedretti, Thomas L. Casavant, Todd E. Scheetz, Clayton L. Birkett, Chad A. Roberts: Parallelization of local BLAST service on workstation clusters. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(6): 745-754 (2001)
1EEKevin T. Pedretti, Thomas L. Casavant, R. C. Braun, Todd E. Scheetz, Clayton L. Birkett, Chad A. Roberts: Three Complementary Approaches to Parallelization of Local BLAST Service on Workstation Clusters (invited paper). PaCT 1999: 271-282

Coauthor Index

1Clayton L. Birkett [1] [2]
2Jared Bischof [4]
3R. C. Braun [1] [2]
4Terry A. Braun [3] [4] [6] [7]
5Ron Brightwell [5] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Thomas L. Casavant [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
7Steve Davis [4]
8Trammell Hudson [9] [10] [11]
9Rolf Riesen [9]
10Chad A. Roberts [1] [2] [3] [4]
11Natalie L. Robinson [3] [4]
12Todd E. Scheetz [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
13Val C. Sheffield [4]
14Marcelo Bento Soares [4]
15Nishank Trivedi [4] [6] [7]
16Keith D. Underwood [8] [9] [10]
17Joshua Williams [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)