
George Paschos

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11EEGeorge Paschos, Ivan Radev, Nagarajan Prabakar: Image Content-Based Retrieval Using Chromaticity Moments. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 15(5): 1069-1072 (2003)
10EEGeorge Paschos, Maria Petrou: Histogram ratio features for color texture classification. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 309-314 (2003)
9EEGeorge Paschos: Perceptually uniform color spaces for color texture analysis: an empirical evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(6): 932-937 (2001)
8EEIvan Radev, George Paschos, Niki Pissinou, Kia Makki: Video Content Representation Based on Texture and Lighting. VISUAL 2000: 457-466
7EEGeorge Paschos: Fast color texture recognition using chromaticity moments. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(9): 837-841 (2000)
6EEGeorge Paschos, Ivan Radev: Image Retrieval Based on Chromaticity Moments. ICIAP 1999: 904-908
5 George Paschos: A Color Space Performance Comparison in the Processing of Color Textured Images: RGB vs. L*a*b*. PICS 1999: 200-203
4 George Paschos, Kimon P. Valavanis: A color texture based visual monitoring system for automated surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 29(2): 298-307 (1999)
3EEGeorge Paschos: Chromatic correlation features for texture recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(8): 643-650 (1998)
2 George Paschos: Testing the Effectiveness of Non-linear Rectification on Gabor Energy. CAIP 1997: 535-542
1EEKimon P. Valavanis, J. Zheng, George Paschos: A total color difference measure for segmentation in color images. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 16(3): 269-313 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Kia Makki [8]
2Maria Petrou [10]
3Niki Pissinou [8]
4Nagarajan Prabakar [11]
5Ivan Radev [6] [8] [11]
6Kimon P. Valavanis [1] [4]
7J. Zheng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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