
Fernando Pardo

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14EEFernando Pardo, Paula López Martinez, Diego Cabello: FPGA-based hardware accelerator of the heat equation with applications on infrared thermography. ASAP 2008: 179-184
13EEFernando Pardo, Jose Antonio Boluda, Francisco Vegara, Pedro Zuccarello: On the Advantages of Asynchronous Pixel Reading and Processing for High-Speed Motion Estimation. ISVC (1) 2008: 205-215
12EEJose Antonio Boluda, Fernando Pardo: Speeding-Up Differential Motion Detection Algorithms Using a Change-Driven Data Flow Processing Strategy. CAIP 2007: 77-84
11EEFernando Pardo, P. López, Diego Cabello: Soft-Hard 3D FD-TD Solver for Non Destructive Evaluation. FPL 2007: 17-22
10EEFernando Pardo, P. López, Diego Cabello, M. Balsi: FPGA Implementation of 3-D Thermal Model Simulator. FPL 2006: 1-4
9EEJulio C. Sosa, Rocio Gomez-Fabela, Jose Antonio Boluda, Fernando Pardo: FPGA Implementation of a Change-Driven Image Processing Architecture for Optical Flow Computation. FPL 2006: 1-4
8 Fernando Pardo, P. López, Diego Cabello, M. Balsi: FPGA Finite-Difference Time-Domain solver for thermal simulation. FPL 2005: 721-722
7EEFernando Pardo, Jose Antonio Boluda, Esther de Ves: Feature Extraction and Correlation for Time-to-Impact Segmentation Using Log-Polar Images. ICCSA (4) 2004: 887-895
6EEJose Antonio Boluda, Fernando Pardo: Synthesizing on a Reconfigurable Chip an Autonomous Robot Image Processing System. FPL 2003: 458-467
5EEAntonio Mosquera González, Raquel Dosil, Victor Leborán, Fernando Pardo, Francisco Gómez-Ulla, Bashir Hayik, Antonio Pose, Marta Rodríguez: ART-VENA: Retinal Vaseular Caliber Measurement. IbPRIA 2003: 598-605
4EEJose Antonio Boluda, Fernando Pardo: A reconfigurable architecture for autonomous visual-navigation. Mach. Vis. Appl. 13(5): 322-331 (2003)
3EEFernando Pardo, I. Llorens, F. Mico, Jose Antonio Boluda: Space Variant Vision and Pipelined Architecture for Time to Impact Computation. CAMP 2000: 122-126
2EEJose Antonio Boluda, Fernando Pardo, Francisco Blasco, Joan Pelechano: A Pipelined Reconfigurable Architecture for Visual-Based Navigation. EUROMICRO 1999: 1071-1074
1 Jose Antonio Boluda, Juan Domingo, Fernando Pardo, Joan Pelechano: Detecting Motion Independent of the Camera Movement Through a Log-Polar Differential Approach. CAIP 1997: 702-709

Coauthor Index

1M. Balsi [8] [10]
2Francisco Blasco [2]
3Jose Antonio Boluda [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [12] [13]
4Diego Cabello [8] [10] [11] [14]
5Juan Domingo [1]
6Raquel Dosil [5]
7Rocio Gomez-Fabela [9]
8Francisco Gómez-Ulla [5]
9Antonio Mosquera González [5]
10Bashir Hayik [5]
11Victor Leborán [5]
12I. Llorens [3]
13P. López [8] [10] [11]
14Paula López Martinez [14]
15F. Mico [3]
16Joan Pelechano [1] [2]
17Antonio Pose [5]
18Marta Rodríguez [5]
19Julio C. Sosa [9]
20Francisco Vegara [13]
21Esther de Ves [7]
22Pedro Zuccarello [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)