
Yoh-Han Pao

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21 Wyatt S. Newman, Yonghong Zhao, Yoh-Han Pao: Interpretation of Force and Moment Signals for Compliant Peg-in-Hole Assembly. ICRA 2001: 571-576
20EEGwang Hoon Park, Yoh-Han Pao: Unconstrained word-based approach for off-line script recognition using density-based random-vector functional-link net. Neurocomputing 31(1-4): 45-65 (2000)
19EEBoris Igelnik, Yoh-Han Pao, Steven R. LeClair, Chang-Yun Shen: The ensemble approach to neural-network learning and generalization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(1): 19-30 (1999)
18 Boris Igelnik, Yoh-Han Pao, Steven R. LeClair: Experimental Comparison of Different Adaptive Stochastic Optimization Methods for Use with Ensemble Net Approach for Learning and Generalization. NC 1998: 1009-1015
17EEC. L. Philip Chen, Steven R. LeClair, Yoh-Han Pao: An incremental adaptive implementation of functional-link processing for function approximation, time-series prediction, and system identification. Neurocomputing 18(1-3): 11-31 (1998)
16EEGwang Hoon Park, Yoh-Han Pao: Training neural-net controllers with the help of trajectories generated with fuzzy rules (demonstrated with the truck backup task). Neurocomputing 18(1-3): 91-105 (1998)
15EEYoh-Han Pao, Chang-Yun Shen: Visualization of pattern data through learning of non-linear variance-conserving dimension-reduction mapping. Pattern Recognition 30(10): 1705-1717 (1997)
14 Yoh-Han Pao: Dimension Reduction, Feature Extraction and Interpretation of Data with Network Computing. IJPRAI 10(5): 521-535 (1996)
13EEBoris Igelnik, Yoh-Han Pao: A Stochastic Optimization Algorithm for Neural Net Learning. IEA/AIE 1995: 29-34
12EEYoh-Han Pao, Stephen M. Phillips: The functional link net and learning optimal control. Neurocomputing 9(2): 149-164 (1995)
11 Percy P. C. Yip, Yoh-Han Pao: A Guided Evolutionary Computation Technique as Function Optimizer. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 628-633
10 Chang-Yun Shen, Yoh-Han Pao, Percy P. C. Yip: Scheduling Multiple Job Problems with Guided Evolutionary Simulated Annealing Approach. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 702-706
9 Percy P. C. Yip, Yoh-Han Pao: A recurrent neural net approach to one-step ahead control problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 24(4): 678-683 (1994)
8 Yoh-Han Pao, Gwang Hoon Park, Dejan J. Sobajic: Learning and generalization characteristics of the random vector Functional-link net. Neurocomputing 6(2): 163-180 (1994)
7 Yoh-Han Pao, Yoshiyasu Takefuji: Functional-Link Net Computing: Theory, System Architecture, and Functionalities. IEEE Computer 25(5): 76-79 (1992)
6EEYoh-Han Pao, Dejan J. Sobajic: Neural Networks and Knowledge Engineering. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 3(2): 185-192 (1991)
5 M. Umit Karakas, Yoh-Han Pao, M. Sinan Beksac, Kadir Ozdemir: A Neural Net Learning Algorithm for Design of Cardiotocograph Signal Evaluatin Expert System: MYDEARBABY 90/2.47. DEXA 1990: 427-431
4 Yoh-Han Pao, Dejan J. Sobajic: Nonlinear process control with neural nets. Neurocomputing 2(2): 51-59 (1990)
3 Arie Ben-David, Leon Sterling, Yoh-Han Pao: Learning, classification of monotonic ordinal concepts. Computational Intelligence 5: 45-49 (1989)
2 Yoh-Han Pao: Applications of Neural-Net Computing. Neurocomputing 1(2): 4-22 (1989)
1EEYoh-Han Pao: Autonomous machine learning of effective control strategies with connectionist-net. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 1(1): 35-53 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1M. Sinan Beksac [5]
2Arie Ben-David [3]
3C. L. Philip Chen [17]
4Boris Igelnik [13] [18] [19]
5M. Umit Karakas [5]
6Steven R. LeClair [17] [18] [19]
7Wyatt S. Newman [21]
8Kadir Ozdemir [5]
9Gwang Hoon Park [8] [16] [20]
10Stephen M. Phillips [12]
11Chang-Yun Shen [10] [15] [19]
12Dejan J. Sobajic [4] [6] [8]
13Leon Sterling [3]
14Yoshiyasu Takefuji [7]
15Percy P. C. Yip [9] [10] [11]
16Yonghong Zhao [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)