
C. L. Philip Chen

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17EEJuan Dai, C. L. Philip Chen, Xiao-Yan Xu, Ying Huang, Peng Hu, Chi-Ping Hu, Tao Wu: Machinery Vibration Signals Analysis and Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis and Process Control. ICIC (1) 2008: 696-703
16EELong Chen, C. L. Philip Chen: Pre-shaped fuzzy c-means algorithm (PFCM) for transparent membership function generation. SMC 2007: 789-794
15EEYang Xiao, Hui Chen, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Bo Sun, C. L. Philip Chen: Optimal Utilization and Effects of Inaccurate Estimation in Mobile Database Failure Restoration. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(6): 2086-2095 (2007)
14EEYang Xiao, Haizhon Li, C. L. Philip Chen, Bin Wang, Yi Pan: Proportional degradation services in wireless/mobile adaptive multimedia networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5(2): 219-243 (2005)
13 C. L. Philip Chen, Chandrakumar Bhumireddy: A Genetic Learning Algorithm for Generating a Parsimonious Functional Link Network. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2003: 179-184
12 Ping Guo, Michael R. Lyu, C. L. Philip Chen: Regularization parameter estimation for feedforward neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(1): 35-44 (2003)
11 Vincent A. Schmidt, C. L. Philip Chen: Extracting Rules From the Aggregate feedforward Neural Network. IC-AI 2002: 188-193
10EEYang Xiao, C. L. Philip Chen, Bin Wang: Bandwidth degradation QoS provisioning for adaptive multimedia in wireless/mobile networks. Computer Communications 25(13): 1153-1161 (2002)
9EEYang Xiao, C. L. Philip Chen, Kimberly K. J. Kinateder: An Optimal Power Saving Scheme for Mobile Handsets. ISCC 2001: 192-197
8EEYang Xiao, C. L. Philip Chen: QoS for Adaptive Multimedia in Wireless/Mobile Networks. MASCOTS 2001: 81-88
7EEYang Xiao, C. L. Philip Chen, Yan Wang: An Optimal Distributed Call Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia in Wireless/Mobile Networks. MASCOTS 2000: 477-482
6 C. L. Philip Chen, J. Z. Wan: A rapid learning and dynamic stepwise updating algorithm for flat neural networks and the application to time-series prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 29(1): 62-72 (1999)
5EEC. L. Philip Chen, Steven R. LeClair, Yoh-Han Pao: An incremental adaptive implementation of functional-link processing for function approximation, time-series prediction, and system identification. Neurocomputing 18(1-3): 11-31 (1998)
4 C. L. Philip Chen, Y. Lu: FUZZ: a fuzzy-based concept formation system that integrates human categorization and numerical clustering. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(1): 79-94 (1997)
3EEC. L. Philip Chen, Sen Xie: Freehand drawing system using a fuzzy logic concept. Computer-Aided Design 28(2): 77-89 (1996)
2EEC. L. Philip Chen, Steven R. LeClair: Integration of design and manufacturing: solving setup generation and feature sequencing using an unsupervised-learning approach. Computer-Aided Design 26(1): 59-75 (1994)
1EEQing-Wen Yan, C. L. Philip Chen, Zesheng Tang: Efficient algorithm for the reconstruction of 3D objects from orthographic projections. Computer-Aided Design 26(9): 699-717 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Chandrakumar Bhumireddy [13]
2Hsiao-Hwa Chen [15]
3Hui Chen [15]
4Long Chen [16]
5Juan Dai [17]
6Ping Guo [12]
7Chi-Ping Hu [17]
8Peng Hu [17]
9Ying Huang [17]
10Kimberly K. J. Kinateder [9]
11Steven R. LeClair [2] [5]
12Haizhon Li [14]
13Y. Lu [4]
14Michael R. Lyu [12]
15Yi Pan [14]
16Yoh-Han Pao [5]
17Vincent A. Schmidt [11]
18Bo Sun [15]
19Zesheng Tang [1]
20J. Z. Wan [6]
21Bin Wang [10] [14]
22Yan Wang [7]
23Tao Wu [17]
24Yang Xiao [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] [15]
25Sen Xie [3]
26Xiao-Yan Xu [17]
27Qing-Wen Yan [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)