
Jun Pang

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37EERena Bakhshi, Wan Fokkink, Jun Pang, Jaco van de Pol: Leader Election in Anonymous Rings: Franklin Goes Probabilistic. IFIP TCS 2008: 57-72
36EEJun Pang, Zhengqin Luo, Yuxin Deng: On Automatic Verification of Self-Stabilizing Population Protocols. TASE 2008: 185-192
35EEJun Pang, Zhengqin Luo, Yuxin Deng: On automatic verification of self-stabilizing population protocols. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 2(4): 357-367 (2008)
34EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang, Anton Wijs: Is Timed Branching Bisimilarity a Congruence Indeed? Fundam. Inform. 87(3-4): 287-311 (2008)
33EEZhengqin Luo, Xiaojuan Cai, Jun Pang, Yuxin Deng: Analyzing an Electronic Cash Protocol Using Applied Pi Calculus. ACNS 2007: 87-103
32EEWerner Damm, Stefan Disch, Hardi Hungar, Swen Jacobs, Jun Pang, Florian Pigorsch, Christoph Scholl, Uwe Waldmann, Boris Wirtz: Exact State Set Representations in the Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems with Large Discrete State Space. ATVA 2007: 425-440
31EEWan Fokkink, Allard Kakebeen, Jun Pang: Adapting the UPPAAL Model of a Distributed Lift System. FSEN 2007: 81-97
30EEWerner Damm, Alfred Mikschl, Jens Oehlerking, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog, Jun Pang, André Platzer, Marc Segelken, Boris Wirtz: Automating Verification of Cooperation, Control, and Design in Traffic Applications. Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems 2007: 115-169
29EEYongjian Li, Jun Pang: Extending the Strand Space Method to Verify Kerberos V. PDCAT 2007: 437-444
28EEStefan Blom, Jens R. Calame, Bert Lisser, Simona Orzan, Jun Pang, Jaco van de Pol, Muhammad Torabi Dashti, Anton Wijs: Distributed Analysis with mu CRL: A Compendium of Case Studies. TACAS 2007: 683-689
27EEYuxin Deng, Catuscia Palamidessi, Jun Pang: Weak Probabilistic Anonymity. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(1): 55-76 (2007)
26EETom Chothia, Jun Pang, Muhammad Torabi Dashti: Keeping Secrets in Resource Aware Components. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 190(3): 79-94 (2007)
25EEJun Pang, Wan Fokkink, Rutger F. H. Hofman, Ronald Veldema: Model checking a cache coherence protocol of a Java DSM implementation. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 71(1): 1-43 (2007)
24EEWerner Damm, Stefan Disch, Hardi Hungar, Jun Pang, Florian Pigorsch, Christoph Scholl, Uwe Waldmann, Boris Wirtz: Automatic Verification of Hybrid Systems with Large Discrete State Space. ATVA 2006: 276-291
23EEYuxin Deng, Jun Pang, Peng Wu: Measuring Anonymity with Relative Entropy. Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2006: 65-79
22EEYongjian Li, Jun Pang: Generalized Unsolicited Tests for Authentication Protocol Analysis. PDCAT 2006: 509-514
21EETom Chothia, Simona Orzan, Jun Pang, Muhammad Torabi Dashti: A Framework for Automatically Checking Anonymity with mu CRL. TGC 2006: 301-318
20EEYuxin Deng, Tom Chothia, Catuscia Palamidessi, Jun Pang: Metrics for Action-labelled Quantitative Transition Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 153(2): 79-96 (2006)
19EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang, Jaco van de Pol: Cones and foci: A mechanical framework for protocol verification. Formal Methods in System Design 29(1): 1-31 (2006)
18EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang: Variations on Itai-Rodeh Leader Election for Anonymous Rings and their Analysis in PRISM. J. UCS 12(8): 981-1006 (2006)
17EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang, Anton Wijs: Is Timed Branching Bisimilarity an Equivalence Indeed?. FORMATS 2005: 258-272
16EEYuxin Deng, Catuscia Palamidessi, Jun Pang: Compositional Reasoning for Probabilistic Finite-State Behaviors. Processes, Terms and Cycles 2005: 309-337
15EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang: Simplifying Itai-Rodeh Leader Election for Anonymous Rings. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(6): 53-68 (2005)
14EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang: Formal Verification of Timed Systems Using Cones and Foci. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 139(1): 105-122 (2005)
13EEBahareh Badban, Wan Fokkink, Jan Friso Groote, Jun Pang, Jaco van de Pol: Verification of a sliding window protocol in µCRL and PVS. Formal Asp. Comput. 17(3): 342-388 (2005)
12 Wan Fokkink, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Jun Pang: A Note on K-State Self-stabilization in a Ring with K=N. Nord. J. Comput. 12(1): 18-26 (2005)
11EEWan Fokkink, Jan Friso Groote, Jun Pang, Bahareh Badban, Jaco van de Pol: Verifying a Sliding Window Protocol in µCRL. AMAST 2004: 148-163
10EELu Yan, Kaisa Sere, Xinrong Zhou, Jun Pang: Towards an Integrated Architecture for Peer-to-Peer and Ad Hoc Overlay Network Applications. FTDCS 2004: 312-318
9EEJun Pang, Jaco van de Pol, Miguel Valero Espada: Abstraction of Parallel Uniform Processes with Data. SEFM 2004: 14-23
8EEBixin Li, Xiaocong Fan, Jun Pang, Jianjun Zhao: Model for Slicing JAVA Programs Hierarchically. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(6): 848-858 (2004)
7EEWan Fokkink, Jun Pang: Cones and Foci for Protocol Verification Revisited. FoSSaCS 2003: 267-281
6EEJun Pang, Bart Karstens, Wan Fokkink: Analyzing the Redesign of a Distributed Lift System in UPPAAL. ICFEM 2003: 504-522
5EEJun Pang, Wan Fokkink, Rutger F. H. Hofman, Ronald Veldema: Model Checking a Cache Coherence Protocol for a Java DSM Implementation. IPDPS 2003: 238
4EEJan Friso Groote, Jun Pang, Arno G. Wouters: Analysis of a distributed system for lifting trucks. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 55(1-2): 21-56 (2003)
3EEJun Pang: Analysis of a Security Protocol in µCRL. ICFEM 2002: 396-400
2EEYunfeng Wang, Jun Pang, Ming Zha, Zhaohui Yang, Guoliang Zheng: A Formal Software Development Approach Using Refinement Calculus. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 16(3): 251-262 (2001)
1EEYunfeng Wang, Bixin Li, Jun Pang, Ming Zha, Guoliang Zheng: A Formal Software Development Approach Based on COOZ and Refinement Calculus. TOOLS (31) 1999: 261-266

Coauthor Index

1Bahareh Badban [11] [13]
2Rena Bakhshi [37]
3Stefan Blom [28]
4Xiaojuan Cai [33]
5Jens R. Calame [28]
6Tom Chothia [20] [21] [26]
7Werner Damm [24] [30] [32]
8Muhammad Torabi Dashti [21] [26] [28]
9Yuxin Deng [16] [20] [23] [27] [33] [35] [36]
10Stefan Disch [24] [32]
11Miguel Valero Espada [9]
12Xiaocong Fan [8]
13Wan Fokkink [5] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [25] [31] [34] [37]
14Jan Friso Groote [4] [11] [13]
15Jaap-Henk Hoepman [12]
16Rutger F. H. Hofman [5] [25]
17Hardi Hungar [24] [32]
18Swen Jacobs [32]
19Allard Kakebeen [31]
20Bart Karstens [6]
21Bixin Li [1] [8]
22Yongjian Li [22] [29]
23Bert Lisser [28]
24Zhengqin Luo [33] [35] [36]
25Alfred Mikschl [30]
26Jens Oehlerking [30]
27Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog [30]
28Simona Orzan [21] [28]
29Catuscia Palamidessi [16] [20] [27]
30Florian Pigorsch [24] [32]
31André Platzer [30]
32Jaco van de Pol [9] [11] [13] [19] [28] [37]
33Christoph Scholl [24] [32]
34Marc Segelken [30]
35Kaisa Sere [10]
36Ronald Veldema [5] [25]
37Uwe Waldmann [24] [32]
38Yunfeng Wang [1] [2]
39Anton Wijs [17] [28] [34]
40Boris Wirtz [24] [30] [32]
41Arno G. Wouters [4]
42Peng Wu [23]
43Lu Yan [10]
44Zhaohui Yang [2]
45Ming Zha [1] [2]
46Jianjun Zhao [8]
47Guoliang Zheng [1] [2]
48Xinrong Zhou [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)