
Eunok Paek

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6EESangtae Kim, Seungjin Na, Ji Woong Sim, Heejin Park, Jaeho Jeong, Hokeun Kim, Younghwan Seo, Jawon Seo, Kong-Joo Lee, Eunok Paek: MODi : a powerful and convenient web server for identifying multiple post-translational peptide modifications from tandem mass spectra. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 258-263 (2006)
5EEKiho Hong, Junhyung Park, Jihoon Yang, Eunok Paek: Automatic Extraction of Proteins and Their Interactions from Biological Text. Discovery Science 2005: 322-329
4EEJeong-Gun Lee, Euiseok Kim, Jeong-A. Lee, Eunok Paek: Efficient Buffer Allocation for Asynchronous Linear Pipelines by Design Space Localization. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2004: 582-595
3EESung Young Jung, SungLim Hong, Eunok Paek: An English to Korean Transliteration Model of Extended Markov Window. COLING 2000: 383-389
2EEEunok Paek, Hye-Jeong Jeon: Automating a Classification Task Based on an Augmented Thesaurus. IUI 1997: 221-224
1 Eunok Paek: A Circumscriptive Theory for Causal and Evidential Support. AAAI 1990: 545-549

Coauthor Index

1Kiho Hong [5]
2SungLim Hong [3]
3Hye-Jeong Jeon [2]
4Jaeho Jeong [6]
5Sung Young Jung [3]
6Euiseok Kim [4]
7Hokeun Kim [6]
8Sangtae Kim [6]
9Jeong-A. Lee [4]
10Jeong-Gun Lee [4]
11Kong-Joo Lee [6]
12Seungjin Na [6]
13Heejin Park [6]
14Junhyung Park [5]
15Jawon Seo [6]
16Younghwan Seo [6]
17Ji Woong Sim [6]
18Jihoon Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)