
Peter Otto

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11EEThomas A. DeFanti, Gregory Dawe, Daniel J. Sandin, Jürgen P. Schulze, Peter Otto, Javier Girado, Falko Kuester, Larry Smarr, Ramesh Rao: The StarCAVE, a third-generation CAVE and virtual reality OptIPortal. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25(2): 169-178 (2009)
10EETakashi Shimizu, Daisuke Shirai, Hirokazu Takahashi, Takahiro Murooka, Kazuaki Obana, Yoshihide Tonomura, Takeru Inoue, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Tetsuro Fujii, Naohisa Ohta, Sadayasu Ono, Tomonori Aoyama, Laurin Herr, Natalie van Osdol, Xi Wang, Maxine D. Brown, Thomas A. DeFanti, Rollin Feld, Jacob Balser, Steve Morris, Trevor Henthorn, Gregory Dawe, Peter Otto, Larry Smarr: International real-time streaming of 4K digital cinema. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 929-939 (2006)
9EEYevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Vitaliy Kolodyazhniy, Peter Otto: Neuro-Fuzzy Kolmogorov's Network for Time Series Prediction and Pattern Classification. KI 2005: 191-202
8 Vitaliy Kolodyazhniy, Peter Otto: Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling Based on Kolmogorov"s Superposition: a New Tool for Prediction and Classification. Leipziger Informatik-Tage 2005: 273-280
7EEVitaliy Kolodyazhniy, Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Peter Otto: Universal Approximator Employing Neo-Fuzzy Neurons. Fuzzy Days 2004: 631-640
6EEYevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Peter Otto, Irina Pliss, Sergiy Popov: An Optimal Algorithm for Combining Multivariate Forecasts in Hybrid Systems. KES 2003: 967-972
5EEA. Hu, Peter Otto, Janos Ladik: Relativistic Gaussian functions for atoms by fitting numerical results with adaptive nonlinear least-square algorithm. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(7): 655-664 (1999)
4EEHerbert A. Früchtl, Peter Otto: A new algorithm for the evaluation of the incomplete gamma function on vector computers. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20(4): 436-446 (1994)
3 Thomas Schreiber, Peter Otto, Fridolin Hofmann: A New Efficient Parallelization Strategy for the QR Algorithm. Parallel Computing 20(1): 63-76 (1994)
2 Herbert A. Früchtl, Peter Otto: Quantum Mechanical Programs for Distributed Systems: Strategies and Results. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 265-275
1EEPeter Otto, Herbert A. Früchtl: Parallelization and Vectorization of Quantum Mechanical Methods - I. Integral Program for Polymers and Molecules. Computers & Chemistry 17(3): 229-239 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Tomonori Aoyama [10]
2Jacob Balser [10]
3Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy [6] [7] [9]
4Maxine D. Brown [10]
5Gregory Dawe [10] [11]
6Thomas A. DeFanti [10] [11]
7Rollin Feld [10]
8Herbert A. Früchtl [1] [2] [4]
9Tetsuro Fujii [10]
10Javier Girado [11]
11Trevor Henthorn [10]
12Laurin Herr [10]
13Fridolin Hofmann [3]
14A. Hu [5]
15Takeru Inoue [10]
16Vitaliy Kolodyazhniy [7] [8] [9]
17Falko Kuester [11]
18Janos Ladik [5]
19Steve Morris [10]
20Takahiro Murooka [10]
21Kazuaki Obana [10]
22Naohisa Ohta [10]
23Sadayasu Ono [10]
24Natalie van Osdol [10]
25Irina Pliss [6]
26Sergiy Popov [6]
27Ramesh Rao [11]
28Daniel J. Sandin [11]
29Thomas Schreiber [3]
30Jürgen P. Schulze [11]
31Takashi Shimizu [10]
32Daisuke Shirai [10]
33Larry Smarr [10] [11]
34Hirokazu Takahashi [10]
35Yoshihide Tonomura [10]
36Xi Wang [10]
37Takahiro Yamaguchi [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)