
Thomas Schreiber

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15EEAndreas Kaiser, Thomas Schreiber: Nonparametric Detection of Dependences in Stochastic Point Processes. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(6): 1987-1993 (2004)
14 Guido Brunnett, Frank Isselhard, Thomas Schreiber: Towards Automatic Segmentation in Reverse Engineering. CAD 2000: 339-358
13EEMarek Vanco, Guido Brunnett, Thomas Schreiber: A Hashing Strategy for Efficient k-Nearest Neighbors Computation. Computer Graphics International 1999: 120-
12EEFrank Isselhard, Guido Brunnett, Thomas Schreiber: Polyhedral approximation and First Order Segmentation of Unstructured Point Sets. Computer Graphics International 1998: 433-
11 Thomas Schreiber: Auxiliary Variables and Recursive Procedures. TAPSOFT 1997: 697-711
10 Guido Brunnett, Thomas Schreiber: Optimal Degree Reduction of Free Form Curves . Geometric Modelling 1996: 67-75
9EEGuido Brunnett, Thomas Schreiber, Jörg Braun: The geometry of optimal degree reduction of Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(8): 773-788 (1996)
8EEHans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann, Thomas Schreiber: Visualization and computation of curvature behaviour of freeform curves and surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 27(7): 545-552 (1995)
7 Thomas Schreiber, Peter Otto, Fridolin Hofmann: A New Efficient Parallelization Strategy for the QR Algorithm. Parallel Computing 20(1): 63-76 (1994)
6 Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann, Thomas Schreiber, Ernst Gschwind, Burkard Wördenweber, Yasuo Nakajima: Curve and Surface Interrogation. Focus on Scientific Visualization 1991: 243-258
5 Hans Hagen, Rolf Hendrik van Lengen, Thomas Schreiber: Visualization of Environment Protection Data. Visualisierung von Umweltdaten 1991: 71-76
4 Thomas Schreiber: A Voronoi Diagram Based Adaptive K-Means-Type Clustering Algorithm for Multidimenstional Weighted Data. Workshop on Computational Geometry 1991: 265-275
3 Hans Hagen, Thomas Schreiber, Ernst Gschwind: Methods for Surface Interrogation. IEEE Visualization 1990: 187-193
2 Hans Hagen, Rolf Hendrik van Lengen, Thomas Schreiber: Visualisierung von Umweltdaten. Informatik für den Umweltschutz 1990: 799-807
1 Hans Hagen, Thomas Schreiber: Scattered Data Algorithmen zur Umweltdatenvisualisierung. Visualisierung von Umweltdaten 1990: 22-27

Coauthor Index

1Jörg Braun [9]
2Guido Brunnett [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]
3Ernst Gschwind [3] [6]
4Hans Hagen [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8]
5Stefanie Hahmann [6] [8]
6Fridolin Hofmann [7]
7Frank Isselhard [12] [14]
8Andreas Kaiser [15]
9Rolf Hendrik van Lengen [2] [5]
10Yasuo Nakajima [6]
11Peter Otto [7]
12Marek Vanco [13]
13Burkard Wördenweber [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)