Doubly Distorted Mirrors.
Cyril U. Orji, Jon A. Solworth:
Doubly Distorted Mirrors.
SIGMOD Conference 1993: 307-316@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigmod/OrjiS93,
author = {Cyril U. Orji and
Jon A. Solworth},
editor = {Peter Buneman and
Sushil Jajodia},
title = {Doubly Distorted Mirrors},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 26-28, 1993},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1993},
pages = {307-316},
ee = {, db/conf/sigmod/OrjiS93.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/sigmod/93},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Traditional mirrored disk systems provide high reliability by
multiplexing disks. Performance is improved with parallel
reads and shorter read seeks. However, writes must be
performed by both disks, limiting performance.
Doubly distorted mirrors increase the number of physical
writes per logical write from 2 to 3, but performs logical
writes more efficiently. This reduces the cost of a random logical
write to 1/3 of the cost of a read. Moreover, much
of the write cost can be absorbed in the rotational latency
of the reads, performing under certain conditions all the
writes for free. Doubly distorted mirrors achieves a 135%
performance improvement over traditional mirrors in the
TP1 benchmark. Although these techniques require a disk
cache for writes, the cache need not be safe nor is recovery
time impacted very much.
Copyright © 1993 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
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Printed Edition
Peter Buneman, Sushil Jajodia (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 26-28, 1993.
ACM Press 1993 BibTeX
SIGMOD Record 22(2),
June 1993
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