2008 |
11 | EE | Yoann Pigné,
Antoine Dutot,
Frédéric Guinand,
Damien Olivier:
GraphStream: A Tool for bridging the gap between Complex Systems and Dynamic Graphs
CoRR abs/0803.2093: (2008) |
2007 |
10 | EE | Pierrick Tranouez,
Cyrille Bertelle,
Damien Olivier:
Changing Levels of Description in a Fluid Flow Simulation
CoRR abs/0712.2643: (2007) |
9 | EE | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Frédéric Guinand,
Damien Olivier:
Organization detection for dynamic load balancing in individual-based simulations.
Multiagent and Grid Systems 3(1): 141-163 (2007) |
2006 |
8 | | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Frédéric Guinand,
Damien Olivier:
Organization Detection Using Emergent Computing.
ITSSA 2(1): 61-70 (2006) |
2005 |
7 | EE | Dominique Archambault,
Damien Olivier:
How to make games for visually impaired children.
Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 450-453 |
2004 |
6 | EE | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Frédéric Guinand,
Damien Olivier:
Colored Ants for Distributed Simulations.
ANTS Workshop 2004: 326-333 |
2003 |
5 | EE | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Frédéric Guinand,
Damien Olivier:
Dynamic Placement Using Ants for Object Based Simulations.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 1263-1274 |
4 | | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Sylvain Lerebourg,
Damien Olivier,
Guillaume Prévost:
An Actor Architecture to Develop Games for Blind Children.
GAME-ON 2003: 31- |
3 | EE | Cyrille Bertelle,
Sylvain Lerebourg,
Damien Olivier,
Pierrick Tranouez:
Contribution à la représentation multi-échelle des écosystèmes aquatiques.
Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 255-259 (2003) |
2002 |
2 | | Cyrille Bertelle,
Antoine Dutot,
Damien Olivier:
Active Objects to Develop Computer Games for Blind Children.
GAME-ON 2002 |
1 | EE | Antoine Dutot,
Damien Olivier,
Dominique Archambault:
TL a Language to Create Games for Visually Impaired Children.
ICCHP 2002: 193-195 |