
Cyrille Bertelle

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15EEFahem Kebair, Frédéric Serin, Cyrille Bertelle: Agent-Based Perception of an Environment in an Emergency Situation CoRR abs/0804.0558: (2008)
14 Rawan Ghnemat, Cyrille Bertelle, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp: Adaptive Automata Community Detection and Clustering: A generic methodology. World Congress on Engineering 2007: 25-30
13 Fahem Kebair, Frédéric Serin, Cyrille Bertelle: Agent-Based Perception of an Environment in an Emergency Situation. World Congress on Engineering 2007: 49-54
12EELuaï Jaff, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp, Hatem Hadj Kacem, Cyrille Bertelle: Moderate Growth Time Series for Dynamic Combinatorics Modelisation CoRR abs/0708.2213: (2007)
11EEPierrick Tranouez, Cyrille Bertelle, Damien Olivier: Changing Levels of Description in a Fluid Flow Simulation CoRR abs/0712.2643: (2007)
10EERawan Ghnemat, Saleh Oqeili, Cyrille Bertelle, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp: Automata-based Adaptive Behavior for Economical Modelling Using Game Theory CoRR abs/0712.2644: (2007)
9EECyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Frédéric Guinand, Damien Olivier: Organization detection for dynamic load balancing in individual-based simulations. Multiagent and Grid Systems 3(1): 141-163 (2007)
8 Cyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Frédéric Guinand, Damien Olivier: Organization Detection Using Emergent Computing. ITSSA 2(1): 61-70 (2006)
7EECyrille Bertelle, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp, Khalaf Khatatneh: Tables, Memorized Semirings and Applications CoRR abs/cs/0502081: (2005)
6EERawan Ghnemat, Khalaf Khatatneh, Saleh Oqeili, Cyrille Bertelle, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp: Automata-based adaptive behavior for economic modeling using game theory CoRR abs/cs/0510089: (2005)
5EECyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Frédéric Guinand, Damien Olivier: Colored Ants for Distributed Simulations. ANTS Workshop 2004: 326-333
4EECyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Frédéric Guinand, Damien Olivier: Dynamic Placement Using Ants for Object Based Simulations. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 1263-1274
3 Cyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Sylvain Lerebourg, Damien Olivier, Guillaume Prévost: An Actor Architecture to Develop Games for Blind Children. GAME-ON 2003: 31-
2EECyrille Bertelle, Sylvain Lerebourg, Damien Olivier, Pierrick Tranouez: Contribution à la représentation multi-échelle des écosystèmes aquatiques. Technique et Science Informatiques 22(4): 255-259 (2003)
1 Cyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Damien Olivier: Active Objects to Develop Computer Games for Blind Children. GAME-ON 2002

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Duchamp (Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp) [6] [7] [10] [12] [14]
2Antoine Dutot [1] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
3Rawan Ghnemat [6] [10] [14]
4Frédéric Guinand [4] [5] [8] [9]
5Luaï Jaff [12]
6Hatem Hadj Kacem [12]
7Fahem Kebair [13] [15]
8Khalaf Khatatneh [6] [7]
9Sylvain Lerebourg [2] [3]
10Damien Olivier [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [11]
11Saleh Oqeili [6] [10]
12Guillaume Prévost [3]
13Frédéric Serin [13] [15]
14Pierrick Tranouez [2] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)