
Yasukazu Okamoto

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6EEHiroaki Nakai, Nobuyuki Takeda, Hiroshi Hattori, Yasukazu Okamoto, Kazunori Onoguchi: A Practical Stereo Scheme for Obstacle Detection in Automotive Use. ICPR (3) 2004: 346-350
5EEYasukazu Okamoto, Eiji Tanaka: A Practical Method to Recognize a Flat Object Using a Combination of Intenstity Profiles. MVA 1998: 216-219
4EEYasukazu Okamoto, Sakae Kusakabe, Hitoshi Hata: Train Wheel Abrasion, Measurement Method Using Contour Information. MVA 1996: 454-457
3EERoberto Cipolla, Yasukazu Okamoto, Yoshinori Kuno: Qualitative Visual Interpretation of 3d Hand Gestures Using Motion Parallax. MVA 1992: 477-482
2EEYoshinori Kuno, Yasukazu Okamoto, Satoshi Okada: Robot Vision Using a Feature Search Strategy Generated from a 3D Oobject Model. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(10): 1085-1097 (1991)
1EEShinichi Tamura, Yasukazu Okamoto, Kenji Yanashima: Zero-crossing interval correction in tracing eye-fundus blood vessels. Pattern Recognition 21(3): 227-233 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Cipolla [3]
2Hitoshi Hata [4]
3Hiroshi Hattori [6]
4Yoshinori Kuno [2] [3]
5Sakae Kusakabe [4]
6Hiroaki Nakai [6]
7Satoshi Okada [2]
8Kazunori Onoguchi [6]
9Nobuyuki Takeda [6]
10Shinichi Tamura [1]
11Eiji Tanaka [5]
12Kenji Yanashima [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)