
Michael J. Tauber

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17 Lars Oestreicher, Matthias Rauterberg, Michael J. Tauber: HCI - world wide. INTERACT 1997: 691-692
16EEDan Shapiro, Michael J. Tauber, Roland Traunmüller: Book preview: The design of computer supported cooperative work and groupware systems. Interactions 3(6): 78-85 (1996)
15 Tim Dudley, Douglas J. Cardinal, Masahito Hirakawa, Michael J. Tauber: Panel: Effects of Notation on Realization and Understanding. VL 1993: 278-280
14 Michael J. Tauber: Cognitive Aspects of Visual Languages. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 4(1): 1-4 (1993)
13 Michael J. Tauber, David Ackermann: Mental Models and Human-Computer Interaction 2 [selected papers of the 8th Interdisciplinary Workshop in Informatics and Psychology, Schärding, Austria, June 1989]. North-Holland 1991
12 David Ackermann, Michael J. Tauber: Mental Models and Human-Computer Interaction 1 [selected papers of the 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop in Informatics and Psychology, Schärding, Austria, June 1987]. North-Holland 1990
11 Peter Gorny, Michael J. Tauber: Visualization in Human-Computer Interaction, 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Informatics and Psychology, Schärding, Austria, May 24-27, 1988, Selected Contributions Springer 1990
10 Michael J. Tauber: ETAG: Extended task action grammar. A language for the description of the user's task language. INTERACT 1990: 163-168
9EEShi-Kuo Chang, Michael J. Tauber, Bing Yu, Jing-Sheng Yu: A Visual Language Compiler. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(5): 506-525 (1989)
8 Peter Gorny, Michael J. Tauber: Visualization in Programming, 5th Interdisciplinary Workshop in Informatics and Psychology, Schärding, Austria, May 20-23, 1986, Selected Contributions Springer 1987
7 Gerrit C. van der Veer, Stephen Guest, Willem F. G. Haselager, Peter Innocent, Eddy McDaid, Lars Oestreicher, Michael J. Tauber, Ulfert Vos, Yvonne Wærn: Designing for the mental model: an interdisciplinary approach to the definition of a user interface for electronic mail systems. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1987: 253-288
6 Michael J. Tauber: On visual interfaces and their conceptual analysis. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1986: 106-123
5 Michael J. Tauber: Mentale Modelle als zentrale Fragestellung der kognitiven Ergonomie. Theoretische Überlegungen und einige empirische Ergebnisse. Software-Ergonomie 1985: 293-302
4 Gerrit C. van der Veer, Michael J. Tauber, Thomas R. G. Green, Peter Gorny: Readings on Cognitive Ergonomics - Mind and Computers, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference, Gmunden, Austria, September 10-14, 1984 Springer 1984
3 Gerrit C. van der Veer, Michael J. Tauber, Thomas R. G. Green, Peter Gorny: Introduction. Cognitive Ergonomics 1984: 1-6
2 Gabriele Rohr, Michael J. Tauber: Representational Frameworks and Models for Human-Computer Interfaces. Cognitive Ergonomics 1984: 8-25
1 Michael J. Tauber: Einsatz von CMI im Fernstudium. RGU 1974: 31-33

Coauthor Index

1David Ackermann [12] [13]
2Douglas J. Cardinal [15]
3Shi-Kuo Chang [9]
4Tim Dudley [15]
5Peter Gorny [3] [4] [8] [11]
6Thomas R. G. Green [3] [4]
7Stephen Guest [7]
8Willem F. G. Haselager [7]
9Masahito Hirakawa [15]
10Peter Innocent [7]
11Eddy McDaid [7]
12Lars Oestreicher [7] [17]
13Matthias Rauterberg [17]
14Gabriele Rohr [2]
15Dan Shapiro [16]
16Roland Traunmüller [16]
17Gerrit C. van der Veer [3] [4] [7]
18Ulfert Vos [7]
19Yvonne Wærn (Yvonne Waern) [7]
20Bing Yu [9]
21Jing-Sheng Yu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)