
Ke Ning

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8EEZhangBing Zhou, Ke Ning, Sami Bhiri, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth: Behavioral analysis of web services for supporting mediated service interoperations. ICEC 2008: 34
7EEKe Ning, Ruinan Gong, Stefan Decker, Yuliu Chen, David O'Sullivan: A Context-Aware Resource Recommendation System for Business Collaboration. CEC/EEE 2007: 457-460
6EEKe Ning, David R. Kaeli: External memory page remapping for embedded multimedia systems. LCTES 2007: 185-194
5EEKe Ning, David R. Kaeli: Power Aware External Bus Arbitration for System-on-a-Chip Embedded Systems. T. HiPEAC 1: 116-135 (2007)
4EERuinan Gong, Qing Li, Ke Ning, Yuliu Chen, David O'Sullivan: Business Process Collaboration Using Semantic Interoperability: Review and Framework. ASWC 2006: 191-204
3EEKe Ning, David R. Kaeli: Power Aware External Bus Arbitration for System-on-a-Chip Embedded Systems. HiPEAC 2005: 87-101
2 Ke Ning, Yuliu Chen, David O'Sullivan: Rationality Validation of Business Process Model by Simulation Method. ICEB 2004: 435-439
1EEKe Ning, David R. Kaeli: Bus Power Estimation and Power-Efficient Bus Arbitration for System-on-a-Chip Embedded Systems. PACS 2004: 95-106

Coauthor Index

1Sami Bhiri [8]
2Yuliu Chen [2] [4] [7]
3Stefan Decker [7]
4Ruinan Gong [4] [7]
5Manfred Hauswirth [8]
6David R. Kaeli [1] [3] [5] [6]
7Qing Li [4]
8David O'Sullivan [2] [4] [7]
9Lei Shu [8]
10Laurentiu Vasiliu [8]
11ZhangBing Zhou [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)