
Ken V. Vu

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4EEStephen Olivier, Jan Prins, Jeff Derby, Ken V. Vu: Porting the GROMACS Molecular Dynamics Code to the Cell Processor. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
3EEM. Ayedemir, L. Bottomley, Marie Coffin, Clark Jeffries, Peter C. Kiessler, K. Kumar, W. Ligon, J. Marin, Arne A. Nilsson, J. McGovern, Andrew Rindos, Ken V. Vu, Steven P. Woolet, A. Zaglou, K. Zhu: Two tools for network traffic analysis. Computer Networks 36(2/3): 169-179 (2001)
2EEWillibald A. Doeringer, Douglas Dykeman, M. Peters, Haldon J. Sandick, Ken V. Vu, Jeff Derby: Access architecture for a multiprotocol broadband backbone. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29(2): 137-155 (1997)
1 C. Paul Immanuel, Garry M. Kump, Haldon J. Sandick, David A. Sinicrope, Ken V. Vu: Access Services for the Networking BroadBand Services Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 34(4): 659-671 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1M. Ayedemir [3]
2L. Bottomley [3]
3Marie Coffin [3]
4Jeff Derby [2] [4]
5Willibald A. Doeringer [2]
6Douglas Dykeman [2]
7C. Paul Immanuel [1]
8Clark Jeffries [3]
9Peter C. Kiessler [3]
10K. Kumar [3]
11Garry M. Kump [1]
12W. Ligon [3]
13J. Marin [3]
14J. McGovern [3]
15Arne A. Nilsson [3]
16Stephen Olivier [4]
17M. Peters [2]
18Jan Prins [4]
19Andrew Rindos [3]
20Haldon J. Sandick [1] [2]
21David A. Sinicrope [1]
22Steven P. Woolet [3]
23A. Zaglou [3]
24K. Zhu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)