
Frank Nielsen

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72EEFrank Nielsen: Emerging Trends in Visual Computing, LIX Fall Colloquium, ETVC 2008, Palaiseau, France, November 18-20, 2008. Revised Invited Papers Springer 2009
71EEVincent Garcia, Frank Nielsen: Searching High-Dimensional Neighbours: CPU-Based Tailored Data-Structures Versus GPU-Based Brute-Force Method. MIRAGE 2009: 425-436
70EERichard Nock, Brice Magdalou, Nicolas Sanz, Eric Briys, Fred Celimene, Frank Nielsen: Information geometries and Microeconomic Theories CoRR abs/0901.2586: (2009)
69EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Hyperbolic Voronoi diagrams made easy CoRR abs/0903.3287: (2009)
68EERichard Nock, Pascal Vaillant, Claudia Henry, Frank Nielsen: Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with application to permeable language distinction. Pattern Recognition 42(1): 43-53 (2009)
67EEFrank Nielsen: Abstracts of the LIX Fall Colloquium 2008: Emerging Trends in Visual Computing. ETVC 2008: 1-12
66EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Clustering Multivariate Normal Distributions. ETVC 2008: 164-174
65EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Intrinsic Geometries in Learning. ETVC 2008: 175-215
64EEFrank Nielsen, Alexis André, Shigeru Tajima: Real-Time Spherical Videos from a Fast Rotating Camera. ICIAR 2008: 326-335
63EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Bregman sided and symmetrized centroids. ICPR 2008: 1-4
62EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: On the efficient minimization of convex surrogates in supervised learning. ICPR 2008: 1-4
61EEShigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, Kazuo Nakazawa: Projection plane processing for sketch-based volume segmentation. ISBI 2008: 117-120
60EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: On the Efficient Minimization of Classification Calibrated Surrogates. NIPS 2008: 1201-1208
59EERichard Nock, Nicolas Sanz, Fred Celimene, Frank Nielsen: Staring at Economic Aggregators through Information Lenses CoRR abs/0801.0390: (2008)
58EERichard Nock, Pascal Vaillant, Frank Nielsen, Claudia Henry: Soft Uncoupling of Markov Chains for Permeable Language Distinction: A New Algorithm CoRR abs/0810.1261: (2008)
57EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: On the smallest enclosing information disk. Inf. Process. Lett. 105(3): 93-97 (2008)
56EEClaudia Henry, Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Real Boosting a la Carte with an Application to Boosting Oblique Decision Tree. IJCAI 2007: 842-847
55EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Fast Graph Segmentation Based on Statistical Aggregation Phenomena. MVA 2007: 150-153
54EEFrank Nielsen, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Richard Nock: On Bregman Voronoi diagrams. SODA 2007: 746-755
53EEShigeru Owada, Makoto Okabe, Takeo Igarashi, Frank Nielsen, Norimichi Tsumura: Customized Slider Bars for Adjusting Multi-dimension Parameter Sets. Smart Graphics 2007: 230-232
52EEFrank Nielsen, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Richard Nock: Visualizing bregman voronoi diagrams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 121-122
51EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: A Real generalization of discrete AdaBoost. Artif. Intell. 171(1): 25-41 (2007)
50EEFrank Nielsen, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Richard Nock: Bregman Voronoi Diagrams: Properties, Algorithms and Applications CoRR abs/0709.2196: (2007)
49EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: On the Centroids of Symmetrized Bregman Divergences CoRR abs/0711.3242: (2007)
48EEFrank Nielsen: The Digital Chameleon Principle: Computing Invisibility by Rendering Transparency. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(1): 90-96 (2007)
47EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Self-improved gaps almost everywhere for the agnostic approximation of monomials. Theor. Comput. Sci. 377(1-3): 139-150 (2007)
46EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: On the Smallest Enclosing Information Disk. CCCG 2006
45 Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen: A Real Generalization of Discrete AdaBoost. ECAI 2006: 509-515
44 Richard Nock, Pascal Vaillant, Frank Nielsen, Claudia Henry: Soft Uncoupling of Markov Chains for Permeable Language Distinction: A New Algorithm. ECAI 2006: 823-824
43EEFrank Nielsen, Shigeru Owada, Yuichi Hasegawa: Autoframing: A Recommendation System for Detecting Undesirable Elements and Cropping Automatically Photos. ICME 2006: 417-420
42EEShigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Takeo Igarashi: Copy-Paste Synthesis of 3D Geometry with Repetitive Patterns. Smart Graphics 2006: 184-193
41EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: On approximating the smallest enclosing Bregman Balls. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 485-486
40EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: On Weighting Clustering. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(8): 1223-1235 (2006)
39EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: ClickRemoval: interactive pinpoint image object removal. ACM Multimedia 2005: 315-318
38EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Interactive Pinpoint Image Object Removal. CVPR (2) 2005: 1191
37EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Fitting the Smallest Enclosing Bregman Ball. ECML 2005: 649-656
36EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Interactive Point-and-Click Segmentation for Object Removal in Digital Images. ICCV-HCI 2005: 131-140
35EEPaul Agron, Leo Bachmair, Frank Nielsen: A Visual Interactive Framework for Formal Derivation. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2005: 1019-1026
34EEShigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Takeo Igarashi: Volume catcher. SI3D 2005: 111-116
33EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: A fast deterministic smallest enclosing disk approximation algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 93(6): 263-268 (2005)
32EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Semi-supervised statistical region refinement for color image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 38(6): 835-846 (2005)
31EEFrank Nielsen: Surround video: a multihead camera approach. The Visual Computer 21(1-2): 92-103 (2005)
30EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Approximating smallest enclosing disks. CCCG 2004: 124-127
29EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Grouping with Bias Revisited. CVPR (2) 2004: 460-465
28EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: Approximating Smallest Enclosing Balls. ICCSA (3) 2004: 147-157
27EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Improving Clustering Algorithms through Constrained Convex Optimization. ICPR (4) 2004: 557-560
26EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: An Abstract Weighting Framework for Clustering Algorithms. SDM 2004
25EEShigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Makoto Okabe, Takeo Igarashi: Volumetric illustration: designing 3D models with internal textures. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 322-328 (2004)
24EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: Statistical Region Merging. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(11): 1452-1458 (2004)
23EERichard Nock, Frank Nielsen: On domain-partitioning induction criteria: worst-case bounds for the worst-case based. Theor. Comput. Sci. 321(2-3): 371-382 (2004)
22EEFrank Nielsen, Richard Nock: On Region Merging: The Statistical Soundness of Fast Sorting, with Applications. CVPR (2) 2003: 19-26
21 Frank Nielsen: Plenoptic path and its applications. ICIP (1) 2003: 793-796
20EEShigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Kazuo Nakazawa, Takeo Igarashi: A Sketching Interface for Modeling the Internal Structures of 3D Shapes. Smart Graphics 2003: 49-57
19EEMatthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen, Michael Segal: Maintenance of a Piercing Set for Intervals with Applications. Algorithmica 36(1): 59-73 (2003)
18EEShigeru Owada, Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Frank Nielsen: Enumeration of Contour Correspondence. Int. J. Image Graphics 3(4): 609-628 (2003)
17EEFrank Nielsen: High Resolution Full Spherical Videos. ITCC 2002: 260-267
16EETatsuo Yotsukura, Shigeo Morishima, Frank Nielsen, K. Binsted, Claudio S. Pinhanez: HyperMask - projecting a talking head onto a real object. The Visual Computer 18(2): 111-120 (2002)
15EEFrank Nielsen: On point covers of c-oriented polygons. Theor. Comput. Sci. 263(1-2): 17-29 (2001)
14EEPatrice Calégari, Frédéric Guidec, Pierre Kuonen, Frank Nielsen: Combinatorial optimization algorithms for radio network planning. Theor. Comput. Sci. 263(1-2): 235-245 (2001)
13 Matthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen, Michael Segal: Shooter Location through Piercing Sets. EWCG 2000: 55-58
12EEMatthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen, Michael Segal: Maintenance of a Percing Set for Intervals with Applications. ISAAC 2000: 552-563
11EEFrank Nielsen, Nicolas de Mauroy: On the Precision of Textures. MVA 2000: 31-34
10 Alon Efrat, Matthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen, Micha Sharir: Dynamic data structures for fat objects and their applications. Comput. Geom. 15(4): 215-227 (2000)
9EEFrank Nielsen: Fast stabbing of boxes in high dimensions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 246(1-2): 53-72 (2000)
8EEFrank Nielsen: On point covers of c-oriented polygons. CCCG 1998
7 Frank Nielsen: Grouping and Querying: A Paradigm to Get Output-Sensitive Algorithms. JCDCG 1998: 250-257
6EEFrank Nielsen: Randomized Adaptive Algorithms for Mosaicing Systems. MVA 1998: 11-14
5 Frank Nielsen, Mariette Yvinec: Output-Sensitive Convex Hull Algorithms of Planar Convex Objects. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 8(1): 39-66 (1998)
4 Alon Efrat, Matthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen, Micha Sharir: Dynamic Data Structures for Fat Objects and Their Applications. WADS 1997: 297-306
3 Frank Nielsen: Fast Stabbing of Boxes in High Dimensions. CCCG 1996: 87-92
2EEMatthew J. Katz, Frank Nielsen: On Piercing Sets of Objects. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: 113-121
1EEFrank Nielsen: Output-Sensitive Peeling of Convex and Maximal Layers. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(5): 255-259 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Agron [35]
2Alexis André [64]
3Leo Bachmair [35]
4K. Binsted [16]
5Jean-Daniel Boissonnat [50] [52] [54]
6Eric Briys [70]
7Patrice Calégari [14]
8Fred Celimene [59] [70]
9Alon Efrat [4] [10]
10Vincent Garcia [71]
11Frédéric Guidec [14]
12Ryo Haraguchi [61]
13Yuichi Hasegawa [43]
14Claudia Henry [44] [56] [58] [68]
15Takeo Igarashi [20] [25] [34] [42] [53] [61]
16Matthew J. Katz (Matya Katz) [2] [4] [10] [12] [13] [19]
17Pierre Kuonen [14]
18Brice Magdalou [70]
19Nicolas de Mauroy [11]
20Shigeo Morishima [16]
21Kazuo Nakazawa [20] [61]
22Richard Nock [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [44] [45] [46] [47] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [62] [63] [65] [66] [68] [69] [70]
23Makoto Okabe [25] [53]
24Shigeru Owada [18] [20] [25] [34] [42] [43] [53] [61]
25Claudio S. Pinhanez [16]
26Nicolas Sanz [59] [70]
27Michael Segal [12] [13] [19]
28Micha Sharir [4] [10]
29Yoshihisa Shinagawa [18]
30Shigeru Tajima [64]
31Norimichi Tsumura [53]
32Pascal Vaillant [44] [58] [68]
33Tatsuo Yotsukura [16]
34Mariette Yvinec [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)