
David Nguyen

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6EEAbhishek Das, David Nguyen, Joseph Zambreno, Gokhan Memik, Alok N. Choudhary: An FPGA-Based Network Intrusion Detection Architecture. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 3(1): 118-132 (2008)
5 David Nguyen, Gokhan Memik, Seda Ogrenci Memik, Alok N. Choudhary: Real-Time Feature Extraction for High Speed Networks. FPL 2005: 438-443
4 David Nguyen: Reconfigurable Architectures for Real-Time Network Anomaly Detection. FPL 2005: 741-742
3EEDavid Nguyen, Joseph Zambreno, Gokhan Memik: Flow Monitoring in High-Speed Networks with 2D Hash Tables. FPL 2004: 1093-1097
2EEJoseph Zambreno, David Nguyen, Alok N. Choudhary: Exploring Area/Delay Tradeoffs in an AES FPGA Implementation. FPL 2004: 575-585
1EEDavid Nguyen, Abhijit Davare, Michael Orshansky, David G. Chinnery, Brandon Thompson, Kurt Keutzer: Minimization of dynamic and static power through joint assignment of threshold voltages and sizing optimization. ISLPED 2003: 158-163

Coauthor Index

1David G. Chinnery [1]
2Alok N. Choudhary [2] [5] [6]
3Abhishek Das [6]
4Abhijit Davare [1]
5Kurt Keutzer [1]
6Gokhan Memik [3] [5] [6]
7Seda Ogrenci Memik (Seda Ogrenci) [5]
8Michael Orshansky [1]
9Brandon Thompson [1]
10Joseph Zambreno [2] [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)