
Lydia Ng

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12EEChinh Dang, Andrew Sodt, Christopher Lau, Brian Youngstrom, Lydia Ng, Leonard Kuan, Sayan D. Pathak, Allan Jones, Michael Hawrylycz: The Allen Brain Atlas: Delivering Neuroscience to the Web on a Genome Wide Scale. DILS 2007: 17-26
11EELydia Ng, Sayan D. Pathak, Chihchau Kuan, Christopher Lau, Hong-wei Dong, Andrew Sodt, Chinh Dang, Brian B. Avants, Paul A. Yushkevich, James C. Gee, David R. Haynor, Ed Lein, Allan Jones, Michael Hawrylycz: Neuroinformatics for Genome-Wide 3-D Gene Expression Mapping in the Mouse Brain. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 4(3): 382-393 (2007)
10EEPaul E. Kinahan, Lawrence MacDonald, Lydia Ng, Adam M. Alessio, Paul Segars, Benjamin M. W. Tsui, Sayan D. Pathak: Compensating for patient respiration in PET/CT imaging with the registered and summed phases (RASP) procedure. ISBI 2006: 1104-1107
9EESayan D. Pathak, Christopher Lau, Lydia Ng, Leonard Kuan, Andrew Sodt, Reena Kawal, Michael Hawrylycz: Mouse brain gene expression analysis using model based clustering. ISBI 2006: 1260-1263
8EEPaul A. Yushkevich, Brian B. Avants, Lydia Ng, Michael Hawrylycz, Pablo D. Burstein, Hui Zhang, James C. Gee: 3D Mouse Brain Reconstruction from Histology Using a Coarse-to-Fine Approach. WBIR 2006: 230-237
7EELydia Ng, Luis Ibáñez: Narrow Band to Image Registration in the Insight Toolkit. WBIR 2003: 271-280
6EELuis Ibáñez, Lydia Ng, James C. Gee, Stephen R. Aylward: Registration patterns: the generic framework for image registration of the insight toolkit. ISBI 2002: 345-348
5EELydia Ng, Victor Solo: Errors-in-variables modeling in optical flow estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(10): 1528-1540 (2001)
4 Lydia Ng, Victor Solo: Selecting the Neighbourhood Size, Shape, Weights and Model Order in Optical Flow Estimation. ICIP 2000
3 Lydia Ng, Victor Solo: Optical Flow Estimation Using Adaptive Wavelet Zeroing. ICIP (3) 1999: 722-726
2 Lydia Ng, Victor Solo: Choosing the Optimal Neighbourhood Size in Optical Flow Problems with Errors-in-Variables Modelling. ICIP (2) 1998: 186-190
1EELydia Ng, Victor Solo: A Data-Driven Method for Choosing Smoothing Parameters in Optical Flow Problems. ICIP (3) 1997: 360-363

Coauthor Index

1Adam M. Alessio [10]
2Brian B. Avants [8] [11]
3Stephen R. Aylward [6]
4Pablo D. Burstein [8]
5Chinh Dang [11] [12]
6Hong-wei Dong [11]
7James C. Gee [6] [8] [11]
8Michael Hawrylycz [8] [9] [11] [12]
9David R. Haynor [11]
10Luis Ibáñez [6] [7]
11Allan Jones [11] [12]
12Reena Kawal [9]
13Paul E. Kinahan [10]
14Chihchau Kuan [11]
15Leonard Kuan [9] [12]
16Christopher Lau [9] [11] [12]
17Ed Lein [11]
18Lawrence MacDonald [10]
19Sayan D. Pathak [9] [10] [11] [12]
20Paul Segars [10]
21Andrew Sodt [9] [11] [12]
22Victor Solo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
23Benjamin M. W. Tsui [10]
24Brian Youngstrom [12]
25Paul A. Yushkevich [8] [11]
26Hui Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)