
Reena Kawal

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2EESayan D. Pathak, Christopher Lau, Lydia Ng, Leonard Kuan, Andrew Sodt, Reena Kawal, Michael Hawrylycz: Mouse brain gene expression analysis using model based clustering. ISBI 2006: 1260-1263
1EEShelly Farnham, Harry R. Chesley, Debbie E. McGhee, Reena Kawal, Jennifer Landau: Structured online interactions: improving the decision-making of small discussion groups. CSCW 2000: 299-308

Coauthor Index

1Harry R. Chesley [1]
2Shelly Farnham [1]
3Michael Hawrylycz [2]
4Leonard Kuan [2]
5Jennifer Landau [1]
6Christopher Lau [2]
7Debbie E. McGhee [1]
8Lydia Ng [2]
9Sayan D. Pathak [2]
10Andrew Sodt [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)