
Christopher Lau

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6EEChinh Dang, Andrew Sodt, Christopher Lau, Brian Youngstrom, Lydia Ng, Leonard Kuan, Sayan D. Pathak, Allan Jones, Michael Hawrylycz: The Allen Brain Atlas: Delivering Neuroscience to the Web on a Genome Wide Scale. DILS 2007: 17-26
5EELydia Ng, Sayan D. Pathak, Chihchau Kuan, Christopher Lau, Hong-wei Dong, Andrew Sodt, Chinh Dang, Brian B. Avants, Paul A. Yushkevich, James C. Gee, David R. Haynor, Ed Lein, Allan Jones, Michael Hawrylycz: Neuroinformatics for Genome-Wide 3-D Gene Expression Mapping in the Mouse Brain. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 4(3): 382-393 (2007)
4EESayan D. Pathak, Christopher Lau, Lydia Ng, Leonard Kuan, Andrew Sodt, Reena Kawal, Michael Hawrylycz: Mouse brain gene expression analysis using model based clustering. ISBI 2006: 1260-1263
3EEMaisie Wang, Christopher Lau, Frederick A. Matsen III, Yongmin Kim: Personal health information management system and its application in referral management. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8(3): 287-297 (2004)
2 Todd N. Schoepflin, Christopher Lau, Rohit Garg, Donglok Kim, Yongmin Kim: Research environment for developing and testing object tracking algorithms. VCIP 2001: 667-675
1 Daniel L. Farkas, Byron T. Ballou, Congwu Du, Gregory W. Fisher, Christopher Lau, Richard M. Levenson: Optical Image Acquisition, Analysis and Processing for Biomedical Applications. ICIAP (2) 1997: 663-671

Coauthor Index

1Brian B. Avants [5]
2Byron T. Ballou [1]
3Chinh Dang [5] [6]
4Hong-wei Dong [5]
5Congwu Du [1]
6Daniel L. Farkas [1]
7Gregory W. Fisher [1]
8Rohit Garg [2]
9James C. Gee [5]
10Michael Hawrylycz [4] [5] [6]
11David R. Haynor [5]
12Allan Jones [5] [6]
13Reena Kawal [4]
14Donglok Kim [2]
15Yongmin Kim [2] [3]
16Chihchau Kuan [5]
17Leonard Kuan [4] [6]
18Ed Lein [5]
19Richard M. Levenson [1]
20Frederick A. Matsen III [3]
21Lydia Ng [4] [5] [6]
22Sayan D. Pathak [4] [5] [6]
23Todd N. Schoepflin [2]
24Andrew Sodt [4] [5] [6]
25Maisie Wang [3]
26Brian Youngstrom [6]
27Paul A. Yushkevich [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)