
Vikas Narang

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3EEAnkur Gupta, Rajat Chauhan, Vinod Menezes, Vikas Narang, H. M. Roopashree: A Robust Level-Shifter Design for Adaptive Voltage Scaling. VLSI Design 2008: 383-388
2EERachit Kumar Gupta, Vikas Narang, H. M. Roopashree, Vinod Menezes: A low-power 333Mbps mobile-double data rate output driver with adaptive feedback to minimize overshoots and undershoots. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 477-480
1EESachin Shrivastava, Dhanoop Varghese, Vikas Narang, N. V. Arvind: Improved Approach for Noise Propagation to Identify Functional Noise Violations. VLSI Design 2004: 705-708

Coauthor Index

1N. V. Arvind [1]
2Rajat Chauhan [3]
3Ankur Gupta [3]
4Rachit Kumar Gupta [2]
5Vinod Menezes [2] [3]
6H. M. Roopashree [2] [3]
7Sachin Shrivastava [1]
8Dhanoop Varghese [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)