2009 |
10 | EE | Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur:
Reasoning in Abella about Structural Operational Semantics Specifications.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 228: 85-100 (2009) |
2008 |
9 | EE | Andrew Gacek:
The Abella Interactive Theorem Prover (System Description).
IJCAR 2008: 154-161 |
8 | EE | Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur:
Combining Generic Judgments with Recursive Definitions.
LICS 2008: 33-44 |
7 | EE | Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur:
Combining generic judgments with recursive definitions
CoRR abs/0802.0865: (2008) |
6 | EE | Andrew Gacek:
System Description: Abella -- A System for Reasoning about Computations
CoRR abs/0803.2305: (2008) |
5 | EE | Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur:
Reasoning in Abella about Structural Operational Semantics Specifications
CoRR abs/0804.3914: (2008) |
2007 |
4 | EE | David Baelde,
Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur,
Alwen Tiu:
The Bedwyr System for Model Checking over Syntactic Expressions.
CADE 2007: 391-397 |
3 | EE | Andrew Gacek:
The Suspension Calculus and its Relationship to Other Explicit Treatments of Substitution in Lambda Calculi
CoRR abs/cs/0702027: (2007) |
2 | EE | David Baelde,
Andrew Gacek,
Dale Miller,
Gopalan Nadathur,
Alwen Tiu:
The Bedwyr system for model checking over syntactic expressions
CoRR abs/cs/0702116: (2007) |
1 | EE | Andrew Gacek,
Gopalan Nadathur:
A Simplified Suspension Calculus and its Relationship to Other Explicit Substitution Calculi
CoRR abs/cs/0702152: (2007) |