
Venkatesh Mysore

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8EEVenkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra: Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking IV: Characterization of Metabolic Networks. AB 2007: 170-184
7EEYanay Ofran, Venkatesh Mysore, Burkhard Rost: Prediction of DNA-binding residues from sequence. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 347-353
6 Giuseppe Narzisi, Venkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra: Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of agent-based models: An application to emergency response planning. Computational Intelligence 2006: 228-232
5EEVenkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra: Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking III: Approximate Methods. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(1): 61-77 (2006)
4EEVenkatesh Mysore, Carla Piazza, Bud Mishra: Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking II: Decidability of Semi-algebraic Model Checking and Its Applications to Systems Biology. ATVA 2005: 217-233
3EECarla Piazza, Marco Antoniotti, Venkatesh Mysore, Alberto Policriti, Franz Winkler, Bud Mishra: Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking I: Challenges from Systems Biology. CAV 2005: 5-19
2EEVenkatesh Mysore, Amir Pnueli: Refining the Undecidability Frontier of Hybrid Automata. FSTTCS 2005: 261-272
1EEThomas S. Anantharaman, Venkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra: Fast and Cheap Genome Wide Haplotype Construction via Optical Mapping. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005

Coauthor Index

1Thomas S. Anantharaman [1]
2Marco Antoniotti [3]
3Bud Mishra (Bhubaneswar Mishra) [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Giuseppe Narzisi [6]
5Yanay Ofran [7]
6Carla Piazza [3] [4]
7Amir Pnueli [2]
8Alberto Policriti [3]
9Burkhard Rost [7]
10Franz Winkler [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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