
Giuseppe Narzisi

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9EEFabian Menges, Bud Mishra, Giuseppe Narzisi: Modeling and simulation of e-mail social networks: A new stochastic agent-based approach. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2792-2800
8EEGiuseppe Narzisi, Joshua S. Mincer, Silas Smith, Bud Mishra: Resilience in the Face of Disaster: Accounting for Varying Disaster Magnitudes, Resource Topologies, and (Sub)Population Distributions in the PLAN C Emergency Planning Tool. HoloMAS 2007: 433-446
7EEAngelo Marcello Anile, Vincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia, Salvatore Spinella: Determination of protein structure and dynamics combining immune algorithms and pattern search methods. Natural Computing 6(1): 55-72 (2007)
6 Giuseppe Narzisi, Venkatesh Mysore, Bud Mishra: Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of agent-based models: An application to emergency response planning. Computational Intelligence 2006: 228-232
5EEVincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone: An Immunological Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization. Artificial Evolution 2005: 284-295
4EEVincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia: A Class of Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy Algorithms Using Immune Inspired Operators for Ab-Initio Protein Structure Prediction. EvoWorkshops 2005: 54-63
3EEVincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone: Clonal Selection Algorithms: A Comparative Case Study Using Effective Mutation Potentials. ICARIS 2005: 13-28
2EEAngelo Marcello Anile, Vincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia, Salvatore Spinella: Lipschitzian Pattern Search and Immunological Algorithm with Quasi-Newton Method for the Protein Folding Problem: An Innovative Multistage Approach. WIRN/NAIS 2005: 307-323
1 Vincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Narzisi, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone, Giuseppe Sorace: How to Escape Traps Using Clonal Selection Algorithms. ICINCO (1) 2004: 322-326

Coauthor Index

1Angelo Marcello Anile [2] [7]
2Vincenzo Cutello [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
3Fabian Menges [9]
4Joshua S. Mincer [8]
5Bud Mishra (Bhubaneswar Mishra) [6] [8] [9]
6Venkatesh Mysore [6]
7Giuseppe Nicosia [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
8Mario Pavone [1] [3] [5]
9Silas Smith [8]
10Giuseppe Sorace [1]
11Salvatore Spinella [2] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)