
Andreas Schreiber

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14EECarsten Bochner, Roland Gude, Andreas Schreiber: A Python Library for Provenance Recording and Querying. IPAW 2008: 229-240
13EEMarkus Kunde, Henning Bergmeyer, Andreas Schreiber: Requirements for a Provenance Visualization Component. IPAW 2008: 241-252
12EELuc Moreau, Paul T. Groth, Simon Miles, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, John Ibbotson, Sheng Jiang, Steve Munroe, Omer F. Rana, Andreas Schreiber, Victor Tan, László Zsolt Varga: The provenance of electronic data. Commun. ACM 51(4): 52-58 (2008)
11EEGuy K. Kloss, Andreas Schreiber: Provenance Implementation in a Scientific Simulation Environment. IPAW 2006: 37-45
10EEAndreas Schreiber, Thijs Metsch, Hans-Peter Kersken: A problem solving environment for multidisciplinary coupled simulations in computational grids. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(6): 942-952 (2005)
9EEAndreas Schreiber, Michael Humbert, Alexander Benz, Ursula Dietrich: 3D-Epitope-Explorer (3DEX): Localization of conformational epitopes within three-dimensional structures of proteins. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(9): 879-887 (2005)
8EETomas Forkert, Guy K. Kloss, Christian Krause, Andreas Schreiber: Techniques for Wrapping Scientific Applications to CORBA Components. HIPS 2004: 100-108
7EETomas Forkert, Guy K. Kloss, Christian Krause, Andreas Schreiber: Techniques for Wrapping Scientific Applications to CORBA Components. IPDPS 2004: 100-108
6EEAndreas Schreiber: Automatic Generation of Wrapper Code and Test Scripts for Problem Solving Environments. PARA 2004: 680-689
5 Andreas Schreiber: The integrated simulation environment TENT. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(13-15): 1553-1568 (2002)
4 Volker Padur, Andreas Schreiber: TENT - eine Integrations- und Testumgebung für Simulation und Visualisierung. SimVis 2001: 305-314
3EEHans-Peter Kersken, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Strietzel, Michael Faden, Regine Ahrem, Peter Post, Klaus Wolf, Armin Beckert, Thomas Gerhold, Ralf Heinrich, Edmund Kügeler: AMANDA - A Distributed System for Aircraft Design. Euro-Par 2000: 1315-1322
2EEJochen Fischer, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Strietzel: Script Wrapper for Software Integration Systems. HPCN Europe 2000: 560-563
1EETomas Forkert, Hans-Peter Kersken, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Strietzel, Klaus Wolf: The Distributed Engineering Framework TENT. VECPAR 2000: 38-46

Coauthor Index

1Regine Ahrem [3]
2Armin Beckert [3]
3Alexander Benz [9]
4Henning Bergmeyer [13]
5Carsten Bochner [14]
6Ursula Dietrich [9]
7Michael Faden [3]
8Jochen Fischer [2]
9Tomas Forkert [1] [7] [8]
10Thomas Gerhold [3]
11Paul T. Groth [12]
12Roland Gude [14]
13Ralf Heinrich [3]
14Michael Humbert [9]
15John Ibbotson [12]
16Sheng Jiang [12]
17Hans-Peter Kersken [1] [3] [10]
18Guy K. Kloss [7] [8] [11]
19Christian Krause [7] [8]
20Edmund Kügeler [3]
21Markus Kunde [13]
22Thijs Metsch [10]
23Simon Miles [12]
24Luc Moreau [12]
25Steve Munroe [12]
26Volker Padur [4]
27Peter Post [3]
28Omer F. Rana [12]
29Martin Strietzel [1] [2] [3]
30Victor Tan [12]
31László Zsolt Varga [12]
32Javier Vázquez-Salceda [12]
33Klaus Wolf [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)