
Hans Mulder

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11EEJerome C. Huck, Dale Morris, Jonathan Ross, Allan D. Knies, Hans Mulder, Rumi Zahir: Introducing the IA-64 Architecture. IEEE Micro 20(5): 12-23 (2000)
10 Sjouke Mauw, Hans Mulder: Regularity of BPA-Systems is Decidable. CONCUR 1994: 34-47
9EEAttilio Stajano, Bruno Cerboni, G. Degli Antoni, Hans Mulder, Gérard Roucairol, Erich J. Neuhold, Eddy Odijk, Pier Carlo Ravasio, Jan Ritchie, Jack Schiff: Business Opportunities in Hypermedia Applications (Panel). ECHT 1992: 285
8 Hans Mulder, Michael J. Flynn: Processor Architecture and Data Buffering. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(10): 1211-1222 (1992)
7EEJan Hoogerbrugge, Henk Corporaal, Hans Mulder: Software Pipelining for Transport-Triggered Architectures. MICRO 1991: 74-81
6EEHenk Corporaal, Hans Mulder: MOVE: a framework for high-performance processor design. SC 1991: 692-701
5 Mark Korsloot, Hans Mulder: Sequential Architecture Models for Prolog: A Performance Comparison. New Generation Comput. 9(3/4): 201-220 (1991)
4 Hans Mulder: Data Buffering: Run-Time Versus Compile-Time Support. ASPLOS 1989: 144-151
3EEHans Mulder, P. Stravers: A flexible VLSI core for an adaptable architecture. MICRO 1989: 223-231
2EEHans Mulder, R. J. Portier: Cost-effective design of application specific VLIW processors using the SCARCE framework. MICRO 1989: 35-42
1 Hans Mulder, Evan Tick: A Performance Comparison between PLM and a M68020 PROLOG Processor. ICLP 1987: 59-73

Coauthor Index

1G. Degli Antoni [9]
2Bruno Cerboni [9]
3Henk Corporaal [6] [7]
4Michael J. Flynn [8]
5Jan Hoogerbrugge [7]
6Jerome C. Huck [11]
7Allan D. Knies [11]
8Mark Korsloot [5]
9Sjouke Mauw [10]
10Dale Morris [11]
11Erich J. Neuhold [9]
12Eddy Odijk [9]
13R. J. Portier [2]
14Pier Carlo Ravasio [9]
15Jan Ritchie [9]
16Jonathan Ross [11]
17Gérard Roucairol [9]
18Jack Schiff [9]
19Attilio Stajano [9]
20P. Stravers [3]
21Evan Tick [1]
22Rumi Zahir [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)