
Brent Muirhead

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13EEBrent Muirhead, Kimberly D. Blum: Advising Online Dissertation Students. Educational Technology & Society 9(1): 1-8 (2006)
12EEBrent Muirhead, Muhammad Betz: Transitional Developments in Online Courses and Programs: Theory and Practice. Educational Technology & Society 8(2): 1-6 (2005)
11EEBrent Muirhead, Charles Juwah: Interactivity in computer-mediated college and university education: A recent review of the literature. Educational Technology & Society 7(1): 12-20 (2004)
10EEBrent Muirhead: Distance Education and Distributed Learning. Educational Technology & Society 6(3): 82-83 (2003)
9EEBrent Muirhead: Teaching for Learning. Educational Technology & Society 5(1): (2002)
8EEBrent Muirhead: E-tivities: The key to active online learning. Educational Technology & Society 5(4): (2002)
7EEBrent Muirhead: Effective Online Assessment Strategies for Today's Colleges & Universities. Educational Technology & Society 5(4): (2002)
6EEBrent Muirhead: Ideal features of Web-based role play generator for Schools. Educational Technology & Society 4(2): (2001)
5EEBrent Muirhead: Practical Strategies for Teaching Computer-Mediated Classes. Educational Technology & Society 4(2): (2001)
4EEBrent Muirhead: Interactivity Research Studies. Educational Technology & Society 4(3): (2001)
3EEBrent Muirhead: Online Resource Page: Using Technology to Enhance the Teaching and Learning Process. Educational Technology & Society 4(4): (2001)
2EEBrent Muirhead: Interactivity in a Graduate Distance Education School. Educational Technology & Society 3(1): (2000)
1EEBrent Muirhead: Enhancing Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Distance Education. Educational Technology & Society 3(4): (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Betz [12]
2Kimberly D. Blum [13]
3Charles Juwah [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)