
Maria Moundridou

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7EEMaria Moundridou, Alexander Kalinoglou: Using LEGO Mindstorms as an Instructional Aid in Technical and Vocational Secondary Education: Experiences from an Empirical Case Study. EC-TEL 2008: 312-321
6EEMaria Moundridou, Maria Virvou: Evaluating the persona effect of an interface agent in a tutoring system. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 18(3): 253-261 (2002)
5 Maria Moundridou, Maria Virvou: Authoring and Delivering Adpative Web-Based Textbooks Using WEAR. ICALT 2001: 185-188
4EEMaria Virvou, Maria Moundridou: Student and Instructor Models: Two Kinds of User Model and Their Interaction in an ITS Authoring Tool. User Modeling 2001: 158-167
3EEMaria Virvou, Maria Moundridou: Modelling the Instructor in a Web-Based Authoring Tool for Algebra-Related ITSs. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 635-644
2EEMaria Virvou, Maria Moundridou: A Web-Based Authoring Tool for Algebra-Related Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Educational Technology & Society 3(2): (2000)
1 Maria Virvou, Maria Moundridou: An authoring tool for algebra-related domains. HCI (2) 1999: 647-651

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Kalinoglou [7]
2Maria Virvou [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)