
Manfred Morari

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25EEM. Baric, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic, Manfred Morari: An efficient algorithm for optimal control of PWA systems with polyhedral performance indices. Automatica 44(1): 296-301 (2008)
24EEKristian Nolde, Markus Uhr, Manfred Morari: Medium term scheduling of a hydro-thermal system using stochastic model predictive control. Automatica 44(6): 1585-1594 (2008)
23EETobias Geyer, Fabio Danilo Torrisi, Manfred Morari: Optimal complexity reduction of polyhedral piecewise affine systems. Automatica 44(7): 1728-1740 (2008)
22EEMarta Capiluppi, Manfred Morari: Networks of Hybrid Systems: Connections Faults Modelling and Detection. HSCC 2007: 660-663
21EEIoannis A. Fotiou, A. Giovanni Beccuti, Georgios Papafotiou, Manfred Morari: Optimal Control of Piece-Wise Polynomial Hybrid Systems Using Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition. HSCC 2006: 227-241
20 Manfred Morari, Lothar Thiele: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 8th International Workshop, HSCC 2005, Zurich, Switzerland, March 9-11, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
19EEPascal Grieder, Michal Kvasnica, Mato Baotic, Manfred Morari: Stabilizing low complexity feedback control of constrained piecewise affine systems. Automatica 41(10): 1683-1694 (2005)
18EEFrancesco Borrelli, Mato Baotic, Alberto Bemporad, Manfred Morari: Dynamic programming for constrained optimal control of discrete-time linear hybrid systems. Automatica 41(10): 1709-1721 (2005)
17EETobias Geyer, Georgios Papafotiou, Manfred Morari: On the Optimal Control of Switch-Mode DC-DC Converters. HSCC 2004: 342-356
16EEMichal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic, Manfred Morari: Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT). HSCC 2004: 448-462
15EEPascal Grieder, Francesco Borrelli, Fabio Danilo Torrisi, Manfred Morari: Computation of the constrained infinite time linear quadratic regulator. Automatica 40(4): 701-708 (2004)
14EEAkira Kojima, Manfred Morari: LQ control for constrained continuous-time systems. Automatica 40(7): 1143-1155 (2004)
13EETobias Geyer, Fabio Danilo Torrisi, Manfred Morari: Efficient Mode Enumeration of Compositional Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2003: 216-232
12EERainer Möbus, Mato Baotic, Manfred Morari: Multi-object Adaptive Cruise Control. HSCC 2003: 359-374
11EEAlberto Bemporad, Francesco Borrelli, Manfred Morari: On the Optimal Control Law for Linear Discrete Time Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2002: 105-119
10EEGiancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Francesco Alessandro Cuzzola, Manfred Morari: Analysis of Discrete-Time PWA Systems with Logic States. HSCC 2002: 194-208
9EEGiancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Eduardo Gallestey, Paolo Letizia, Matteo Spedicato, Manfred Morari, Marc Antoine: Modeling and Control of Co-generation Power Plants: A Hybrid System Approach. HSCC 2002: 209-224
8EEManfred Morari: Control as an Embedded Technology. HSCC 2001: 1-2
7EEFrancesco Alessandro Cuzzola, Manfred Morari: A Generalized Approach for Analysis and Control of Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine and Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2001: 189-203
6EEGiancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Marco Muselli, Diego Liberati, Manfred Morari: A Clustering Technique for the Identification of Piecewise Affine Systems. HSCC 2001: 218-231
5EEAlberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Thomas A. Henzinger, Bruce H. Krogh, Oded Maler, Manfred Morari, Costas C. Pantelides, George J. Pappas, Tunc Simsec, Janos Sztipanovits, Stavros Tripakis: Hybrid Systems Applications: An Oxymoron? HSCC 2001: 5-6
4EEAlberto Bemporad, Fabio Danilo Torrisi, Manfred Morari: Optimization-Based Verification and Stability Characterization of Piecewise Affine and Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2000: 45-58
3EEAlberto Bemporad, Manfred Morari: Verification of Hybrid Systems via Mathematical Programming. HSCC 1999: 31-45
2 Anthony Skjellum, Steven G. Smith, Nathan E. Doss, Alvin P. Leung, Manfred Morari: The Design and Evolution of Zipcode. Parallel Computing 20(4): 565-596 (1994)
1EEDaniel L. Laughlin, Manfred Morari: Graphical stability analysis for control systems with model parameter uncertainties. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 47(1): 59-76 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Marc Antoine [9]
2Mato Baotic [12] [16] [18] [19] [25]
3M. Baric [25]
4A. Giovanni Beccuti [21]
5Alberto Bemporad [3] [4] [11] [18]
6Francesco Borrelli [11] [15] [18]
7Marta Capiluppi [22]
8Francesco Alessandro Cuzzola [7] [10]
9Nathan E. Doss [2]
10Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate [6] [9] [10]
11Ioannis A. Fotiou [21]
12Eduardo Gallestey [9]
13Tobias Geyer [13] [17] [23]
14Pascal Grieder [15] [16] [19] [25]
15Thomas A. Henzinger [5]
16Akira Kojima [14]
17Bruce H. Krogh [5]
18Michal Kvasnica [16] [19]
19Daniel L. Laughlin [1]
20Paolo Letizia [9]
21Alvin P. Leung [2]
22Diego Liberati [6]
23Oded Maler [5]
24Rainer Möbus [12]
25Marco Muselli [6]
26Kristian Nolde [24]
27Costas C. Pantelides [5]
28Georgios Papafotiou [17] [21]
29George J. Pappas [5]
30Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli [5]
31Tunc Simsec [5]
32Anthony Skjellum [2]
33Steven G. Smith [2]
34Matteo Spedicato [9]
35Janos Sztipanovits [5]
36Lothar Thiele [20]
37Fabio Danilo Torrisi [4] [13] [15] [23]
38Stavros Tripakis [5]
39Markus Uhr [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)