2009 | ||
37 | EE | Casey S. Greene, Jason M. Gilmore, Jeff Kiralis, Peter C. Andrews, Jason H. Moore: Optimal Use of Expert Knowledge in Ant Colony Optimization for the Analysis of Epistasis in Human Disease. EvoBIO 2009: 92-103 |
2008 | ||
36 | Elena Marchiori, Jason H. Moore: Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 6th European Conference, EvoBIO 2008, Naples, Italy, March 26-28, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008 | |
35 | EE | Casey S. Greene, Bill C. White, Jason H. Moore: Ant Colony Optimization for Genome-Wide Genetic Analysis. ANTS Conference 2008: 37-47 |
34 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Peter C. Andrews, Nate Barney, Bill C. White: Development and Evaluation of an Open-Ended Computational Evolution System for the Genetic Analysis of Susceptibility to Common Human Diseases. EvoBIO 2008: 129-140 |
33 | EE | Ryan J. Urbanowicz, Nate Barney, Bill C. White, Jason H. Moore: Mask functions for the symbolic modeling of epistasis using genetic programming. GECCO 2008: 339-346 |
32 | EE | Casey S. Greene, Bill C. White, Jason H. Moore: Using expert knowledge in initialization for genome-wide analysis of epistasis using genetic programming. GECCO 2008: 351-352 |
2007 | ||
31 | Elena Marchiori, Jason H. Moore, Jagath C. Rajapakse: Evolutionary Computation,Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 5th European Conference, EvoBIO 2007, Valencia, Spain, April 11-13, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007 | |
30 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Bill C. White: Tuning ReliefF for Genome-Wide Genetic Analysis. EvoBIO 2007: 166-175 |
29 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Nate Barney, Bill C. White: Towards human-human-computer interaction for biologically-inspired problem-solving in human genetics. GECCO 2007: 432-433 |
28 | EE | Jason H. Moore: Bioinformatics. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 3435-3457 |
27 | EE | Casey S. Greene, Bill C. White, Jason H. Moore: An Expert Knowledge-Guided Mutation Operator for Genome-Wide Genetic Analysis Using Genetic Programming. PRIB 2007: 30-40 |
26 | EE | Marylyn D. Ritchie, Alison A. Motsinger, William S. Bush, Christopher S. Coffey, Jason H. Moore: Genetic programming neural networks: A powerful bioinformatics tool for human genetics. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(1): 471-479 (2007) |
25 | EE | Brett A. McKinney, David M. Reif, Bill C. White, James E. Crowe Jr., Jason H. Moore: Evaporative cooling feature selection for genotypic data involving interactions. Bioinformatics 23(16): 2113-2120 (2007) |
24 | EE | Margaret J. Eppstein, Joshua L. Payne, Bill C. White, Jason H. Moore: Genomic mining for complex disease traits with "random chemistry". Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 8(4): 395-411 (2007) |
2006 | ||
23 | Franz Rothlauf, Jürgen Branke, Stefano Cagnoni, Ernesto Costa, Carlos Cotta, Rolf Drechsler, Evelyne Lutton, Penousal Machado, Jason H. Moore, Juan Romero, George D. Smith, Giovanni Squillero, Hideyuki Takagi: Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2006: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006 | |
22 | EE | David M. Reif, Alison A. Motsinger, Brett A. McKinney, James E. Crowe Jr., Jason H. Moore: Feature Selection using a Random Forests Classifier for the Integrated Analysis of Multiple Data Types. CIBCB 2006: 1-8 |
21 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Bill C. White: Exploiting Expert Knowledge in Genetic Programming for Genome-Wide Genetic Analysis. PPSN 2006: 969-977 |
20 | EE | Tricia A. Thornton-Wells, Jason H. Moore, Jonathan L. Haines: Dissecting trait heterogeneity: a comparison of three clustering methods applied to genotypic data. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 204 (2006) |
2005 | ||
19 | EE | Bill C. White, David M. Reif, Joshua C. Gilbert, Jason H. Moore: A statistical comparison of grammatical evolution strategies in the domain of human genetics. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 491-497 |
18 | EE | Bill C. White, David M. Reif, Joshua C. Gilbert, Jason H. Moore: A statistical comparison of grammatical evolution strategies in the domain of human genetics. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 676-682 |
17 | EE | David M. Reif, Scott M. Dudek, Christian M. Shaffer, Janey Wang, Jason H. Moore: Exploratory Visual Analysis of Pharmacogenomic Results. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005 |
2004 | ||
16 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn: An Improved Grammatical Evolution Strategy for Hierarchical Petri Net Modeling of Complex Genetic Systems. EvoWorkshops 2004: 63-72 |
15 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn: Systems Biology Modeling in Human Genetics Using Petri Nets and Grammatical Evolution. GECCO (1) 2004: 392-401 |
14 | EE | Marylyn D. Ritchie, Christopher S. Coffey, Jason H. Moore: Genetic Programming Neural Networks as a Bioinformatics Tool for Human Genetics. GECCO (1) 2004: 438-448 |
13 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Tricia A. Thornton, Bill C. White: Routine discovery of complex genetic models using genetic algorithms. Appl. Soft Comput. 4(1): 79-86 (2004) |
12 | EE | Christopher S. Coffey, Patricia R. Hebert, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Harlan M. Krumholz, J. Michael Gaziano, Paul M. Ridker, Nancy J. Brown, Douglas E. Vaughan, Jason H. Moore: An application of conditional logistic regression and multifactor dimensionality reduction for detecting gene-gene Interactions on risk of myocardial infarction: The importance of model validation. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 49 (2004) |
11 | EE | Lance W. Hahn, Jason H. Moore: Ideal discrimination of discrete clinical endpoints using multilocus genotypes. In Silico Biology 4: (2004) |
2003 | ||
10 | EE | Jason H. Moore: Cross Validation Consistency for the Assessment of Genetic Programming Results in Microarray Studies. EvoWorkshops 2003: 99-106 |
9 | EE | David M. Reif, Bill C. White, Nancy Olsen, Thomas Aune, Jason H. Moore: Complex Function Sets Improve Symbolic Discriminant Analysis of Microarray Data. GECCO 2003: 2277-2287 |
8 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn: Grammatical Evolution for the Discovery of Petri Net Models of Complex Genetic Systems. GECCO 2003: 2412-2413 |
7 | EE | Marylyn D. Ritchie, Bill C. White, Joel S. Parker, Lance W. Hahn, Jason H. Moore: Optimizationof neural network architecture using genetic programming improvesdetection and modeling of gene-gene interactions in studies of humandiseases. BMC Bioinformatics 4: 28 (2003) |
6 | Lance W. Hahn, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Jason H. Moore: Multifactor dimensionality reduction software for detecting gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. Bioinformatics 19(3): 376-382 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
5 | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Tricia A. Thornton, Bill C. White: Application Of Genetic Algorithms To The Discovery Of Complex Models For Simulation Studies In Human Genetics. GECCO 2002: 1150-1155 | |
4 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn: Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms for Parallel Problem Solving in Human Genetics. PPSN 2002: 821-830 |
3 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Lance W. Hahn: A Cellular Automata Approach to Detecting Interactions Among Single-nucleotide Polymorphisms in Complex Multifactorial Diseases. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002: 53-64 |
2001 | ||
2 | EE | Jason H. Moore, Joel S. Parker, Lance W. Hahn: Symbolic Discriminant Analysis for Mining Gene Expression Patterns. ECML 2001: 372-381 |
2000 | ||
1 | EE | Jason H. Moore: Detection of linear and nonlinear dependencies in time series using the method of surrogate data in S-PLUS. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 63(2): 117-121 (2000) |