
Rosario Mita

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7EEGiuseppe Di Cataldo, Rosario Mita, Salvatore Pennisi: High-speed CMOS unity-gain current amplifier. Microelectronics Journal 37(10): 1086-1091 (2006)
6EERosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo, Pier Giorgio Fallica: A fast driver circuit for single-photon sensors. Microelectronics Journal 37(10): 1092-1096 (2006)
5EERosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo, Salvatore Pennisi: Well-defined design procedure for a three-stage CMOS OTA. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2579-2582
4EERosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo, Salvatore Pennisi: Performance comparison of Tow-Thomas biquad filters based on VOAs and CFOAs. ISCAS (1) 2003: 525-528
3EEMassimo Alioto, Rosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo: Performance evaluation of the low-voltage CML D-latch topology. Integration 36(4): 191-209 (2003)
2EERosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo: Modeling of Propagation Delay of a First Order Circuit with a Ramp Input. PATMOS 2002: 468-476
1EERosario Mita, Gaetano Palumbo, Salvatore Pennisi: Reversed nested Miller compensation with current follower. ISCAS (1) 2001: 308-311

Coauthor Index

1Massimo Alioto [3]
2Giuseppe Di Cataldo [7]
3Pier Giorgio Fallica [6]
4Gaetano Palumbo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Salvatore Pennisi [1] [4] [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)