
Eduardo Reck Miranda

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18EEJane Grant, John Matthias, Tim Hodgson, Eduardo Reck Miranda: Hearing Thinking. EvoWorkshops 2009: 609-614
17EEEduardo Reck Miranda: Digital Sound Synthesis for Multimedia Audio. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
16EEEduardo Reck Miranda: Emergent songs by social robots. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 20(4): 319-334 (2008)
15EEJoão Magalhães Martins, Eduardo Reck Miranda: A Connectionist Architecture for the Evolution of Rhythms. EvoWorkshops 2006: 696-706
14 Leandro Lesqueves Costalonga, Eduardo Reck Miranda, John Matthias, Rosa Vicari: An Idiomatic Plucked String Player. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 231-236
13EEQijun Zhang, Eduardo Reck Miranda: Evolving musical performance profiles using genetic algorithms with structural fitness. GECCO 2006: 1833-1840
12EEJesus L. Alvaro, Eduardo Reck Miranda, Beatriz Barros: Music Knowledge Analysis: Towards an Efficient Representation for Composition. CAEPIA 2005: 331-341
11EEEduardo Reck Miranda, John Matthias: Granular Sampling Using a Pulse-Coupled Network of Spiking Neurons. EvoWorkshops 2005: 539-544
10EEEduardo Coutinho, Eduardo Reck Miranda, Patricio da Silva: Evolving Emotional Behaviour for Expressive Performance of Music. IVA 2005: 497
9EEEduardo Reck Miranda, Andrew Brouse: Toward Direct Brain-Computer Musical Interfaces. NIME 2005: 216-219
8EEDan Livingstone, Eduardo Reck Miranda: Orb3 - Adaptive Interface for Realtime Sound Synthesis & Diffusion within Socially Mediated Spaces. NIME 2005: 65-69
7EEEduardo Reck Miranda: At the Crossroads of Evolutionary Computation and Music: Self-Programming Synthesizers, Swarm Orchestras and the Origins of Melody. Evolutionary Computation 12(2): 137-158 (2004)
6EEEduardo Reck Miranda: Sounds of artificial life. Creativity & Cognition 2002: 173-177
5EEEduardo Reck Miranda: Mimetic Development of Intonation. ICMAI 2002: 107-118
4 Eleonora Bilotta, Eduardo Reck Miranda, Pietro Pantano, Peter M. Todd: Artificial Life Models for Musical Applications: Workshop Report. Artificial Life 8(1): 83-86 (2002)
3 Eduardo Reck Miranda: Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence Harwood Academic publishers 2000
2EEEduardo Reck Miranda: The Art of Rendering Sounds from Emergent Behaviour: Cellular Automata Granular Synthesis. EUROMICRO 2000: 2350-2355
1 Eduardo Reck Miranda: Regarding Music, Machines, Intelligence and the Brain: An Introduction to Music and AI. Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence 2000: 1-13

Coauthor Index

1Jesus L. Alvaro [12]
2Beatriz Barros [12]
3Eleonora Bilotta [4]
4Andrew Brouse [9]
5Leandro Lesqueves Costalonga [14]
6Eduardo Coutinho [10]
7Jane Grant [18]
8Tim Hodgson [18]
9Dan Livingstone [8]
10João Magalhães Martins [15]
11John Matthias [11] [14] [18]
12Pietro Pantano [4]
13Patricio da Silva [10]
14Peter M. Todd [4]
15Rosa Maria Vicari (Rosa Vicari, Rosa Maria Viccari) [14]
16Qijun Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)