
Luca Mion

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7EELuca Mion, Ivan Pilati, David Macii, Fabio Andreatta: Matching Ontologies for Emergency Evacuation Plans. OM 2008
6EELuca Mion, Giovanni De Poli: Score-Independent Audio Features for Description of Music Expression. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(2): 458-466 (2008)
5EELuca Mion, Giovanni De Poli: Music Expression Understanding Based on a Joint Semantic Space. AI*IA 2007: 614-625
4EEAmalia de Götzen, Luca Mion, Federico Avanzini, Stefania Serafin: Multimodal Design for Enactive Toys. CMMR 2007: 212-222
3EELuca Mion, Federico Avanzini, Bruno Mantel, Benoît G. Bardy, Thomas A. Stoffregen: Real-time auditory-visual distance rendering for a virtual reaching task. VRST 2007: 179-182
2EELuca Mion, Gianluca D'Incà: Analysis of expression in simple musical gestures to enhance audio in interfaces. Virtual Reality 10(1): 62-70 (2006)
1EEDamien Cirotteau, Giovanni De Poli, Luca Mion, Alvise Vidolin, Patrick Zanon: Recognition of Musical Gestures in Known Pieces and in Improvisations. Gesture Workshop 2003: 497-508

Coauthor Index

1Fabio Andreatta [7]
2Federico Avanzini [3] [4]
3Benoît G. Bardy [3]
4Damien Cirotteau [1]
5Gianluca D'Incà [2]
6Amalia de Götzen [4]
7David Macii [7]
8Bruno Mantel [3]
9Ivan Pilati [7]
10Giovanni De Poli [1] [5] [6]
11Stefania Serafin [4]
12Thomas A. Stoffregen [3]
13Alvise Vidolin [1]
14Patrick Zanon [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)