
Thomas Miller

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3EEChao Gao, Thomas Miller, John R. Spletzer, Ira Hoffman, Thomas Panzarella: Autonomous docking of a smart wheelchair for the Automated Transport and Retrieval System (ATRS). J. Field Robotics 25(4-5): 203-222 (2008)
2EEGary Klein, George L. Kaempf, Steve Wolf, Marvin Thorsden, Thomas Miller: Applying decision requirements to user-centered design. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 46(1): 1-15 (1997)
1 Philip J. Smith, Deb Galdes, Jane M. Fraser, Thomas Miller, Jack W. Smith, John R. Svirbely, Janice Blazina, Melanie Kennedy, Sally Rudmann, Donna L. Thomas: Coping with the Complexities of Multiple-Solution Problems: A Case Study. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35(4): 429-453 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Janice Blazina [1]
2Jane M. Fraser [1]
3Deb Galdes [1]
4Chao Gao [3]
5Ira Hoffman [3]
6George L. Kaempf [2]
7Melanie Kennedy [1]
8Gary Klein [2]
9Thomas Panzarella [3]
10Sally Rudmann [1]
11Jack W. Smith [1]
12Philip J. Smith [1]
13John R. Spletzer [3]
14John R. Svirbely [1]
15Donna L. Thomas [1]
16Marvin Thorsden [2]
17Steve Wolf [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)